3 months ago
Excited to announce that we are partnering with Cara (@cara_artists ) this #PleinAirpril with the goal to discover more new artists and share their artwork 🥳 🌟 Cara is a new social media and portfolio platform for artists. One of its standout features is the capability to filter out AI-generated images, fostering a safer space for human artists to share their work. Sign up for an account now and try out the auto Glaze function on Cara 🤩 To celebrate Earth Day and engage with plein-air enthusiasts across the globe, Warrior Painters initiated the #PleinAirpril Challenge in 2017. The #PleinAirpril Challenge is a social media campaign that challenges artists and painting enthusiasts to paint and share one plein-air painting a day during the month of April. Over the past seven years, thousands of artists worldwide have participated in the challenge! ❤️ Given Instagram’s recent limitations on artwork discovery via hashtags, we advise PleinAirpril participants to consider posting on Cara for increased visibility. Content shared on Cara stands a better chance of being discovered and reshared by our community 🙌 Feel free to post on both Instagram and Cara! 😎 #warriorpainters #NoPleinNoGain #paintingchallenge #pleinair #pleinairpainting #landscapepainting
3 months ago
3 months ago
Will there be any prompts? Like in Inktober? I will participate for the first time
3 months ago
Love the idea. I participated in the last 3 years for pleinairpril. But getting constant access denied on regular normal tos friendly drawing posts. Don't know how to fix this by tomorrow.
3 months ago
😮… what a challenge!! I always do faces 😜😜🫢
3 months ago
so... does it need to be true Plein Air? like painting outside? or does it count to paint an environment or landscape from a photo?
3 months ago
Hello. Dior’s it have to begin from April.1?
3 months ago