1 month ago
Dan, what do you specialise in? Who do you help? Will you coach me I’m not a bodybuilder? These are all questions I get asked every week. I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of happy people in the gym and online to get to where they never imagined, mentally and physically. Now with a dedicated office space at @ultraflexgymyork I can really take the time to meet in person all my clients in a safe space to build on their plans and goals. My specialty is honestly finding a way to get through to my client, have fun working with them and understand them. Online Apps can make you a solid training program that is probably better than your bog standard local fitness centre personal trainer. That’s all great, try them if you want. But What these things can not do, is dedicate their time and understanding to you with a personality, REAL experience and all the support you need! Think of it like this. For the price you pay someone in a gym for one hour per week of their time, you get a truly custom plan we make for YOU through a number of conversations. We set you up on our coaching app and keep that daily support and contact there to guarantee you success. Knowledge is one piece of the puzzle, service, people skills and actually knowing how to coach a range of people makes you a good coach. #PersonalTrainer #PT #UltraFlex #UltraFlexPT #UltraFlexGym #YorkPersonalTrainer #YorkPT #YorkGyms #PersonalTrainingYork
Had a few chats with Dan. He’s a top bloke & very approachable 👍🏻👊🏻
1 month ago
Thank you @william.craven.7 top man 🙌
1 month ago
5 days ago