24 days ago
Oh my Goddess🤩 Look at this fanart for Whisper of the Ravens made by @maja_brunbjerg a very talent young artist🙌🏻 I am so touched and honoured🙏 because I am the world’s biggest merchandise -and fanart sucker, and this is made for my own books. Thank you so much✨ The images show: Anne and the Giant-Woolf, Vale, Anne and Finn the fingalk, Benedict and Rebecca and Anne & Varnar❤️‍🔥🔥 . Posted @withregram@maja_brunbjerg - Ben and Rebecca from Ravnenes Hvisken (or whisper of the Ravens), one of my all time favorite books! - More fanart from Ravnenes Hvisken (Whisper of the Ravens), This is Anne and Finn the adorable, though somewhat slimy, fingalk - Anne from Ravnenes Hvisken (Whisper of the Ravens) getting a lift from Vale . #fanart #whisperoftheravens @arctisbooksusa @arctis_verlag @gyldendalung #dasflüsternderraben #ravneneshvisken