1 month ago
Hello folks! I got invited to participate in a visual and light art festival in Poland called @festiwalswiatla which has been a pleasure and a new experience where I have been working closely with the production team. The building that has been mapped is a big and old building made of pure wood structure and bricks in a cultural center in Gdańsk, Poland called @hevelianum . The idea behind the mapping is to create an atmosphere of wonder and an immersive experience with the art I have been creating for the past 6 months adjusting it in to the structure of the building. The concept is called “Psychotropic Oracle” Music by: @dub_daddy_sound #mapping #projectionmapping #projectionmappingevents #projectionmappingart #visuals #digitalart #visualambassadors #visualfestival #resolume #aftereffects #cinema4d #illustrator #photoshop
Amazing Work ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️
1 month ago
Looks amazing Diego!!!
1 month ago