1 month ago
My S U N D A Y manifestation routine. 🌙🔮🧡🌛🌈💜🌼 Using all of my 3 decks, (Positive Guidance Cards, Guided Affirmation Cards, Positive Guidance Oracle Cards), my Pass Around the Smile Journal and Pocket of Positivity for extra guidance from the crystals!
💜 What’s the difference between the decks? I want to purchase some but unsure of which ones to get 💜
1 month ago
I’ve got a salt lamp I love it!! Also this is beautiful love the vibes
1 month ago
You are Everything 😍 😍😍
1 month ago
Hi Cleo I watched today and interview that you have with Tyler Warwick and then I got to say that I really enjoyed the interview it was nice to hear you talk about your past and it at moments it was touching in other moments it was sad because when you said that some people were talking to you saying you to kill yourself or I'll go kill you at I broke my heart to think that anyone could say that about you are the kindest and sweetest person to put so much effort into helping others to be happy and stay positive. Feeling emotional as I write this, it's nice to even hear how passed around smile got started I didn't even know it started because you wanted some positivity New Life and you were at a low point. I grew up in a lot of negativity and so being positive is always been a new concept to me and pass around the smile makes me happy and it connects me to H2O thanks cleo for being open on the interview and sharing your story
1 month ago
1 month ago