1 month ago
I know I’m supposed to post and be active on social media but I really can’t stand how just opening this app sucks you in the moment you look at it. They really have perfected grabbing our brains. I didn’t know the zombie apocalypse was going to look like this. So I’ve been avoiding i g lately to work on projects like the book for the #libertythetattooedlady show at the City Reliquary Museum which is going really well. Anyway, I figured I should jump in here and post some tattoos I’ve been working on lately. Here’s one for @madagain_73 we started on many years ago and just did a background for. Some custom color Celtic. Now I’ll be checking my phone to see how this post is doing please like it to satisfy our zombie brain eating overlords hahaha
1 month ago
Looks great!
1 month ago
Post and ignore!!! I only have IG on my iPad and I leave it at home. I’m much happier this way 🤓
1 month ago
1 month ago
This is gorgeous Michelle!
1 month ago