1 month ago
I started to think about writing biographies 🙈 People have always inspired me, especially those who surround me in real life. Fellow writers, colleagues, my own family. Everyone’s life is unique and beautiful, because it has made that person who they are. I am inspired by how people overcome obstacles, even the impossible ones. How they never lose hope, even in the face of fatal illnesses, and how they can make their loved ones laugh no matter what. How they choose their own, unique path even knowing that no one will support them in this. I am amazed by the painted veil of life that makes people meet each other in impossible ways, that no writer could imagine. I love to hear how soulmates find each other even when they come from different countries and have mix of cultures, religions, education, languages and backgrounds. Sometimes I catch myself listening to someone’s life story and writing down all it’s most interesting parts in my mind, seasoning them with beautiful epithets, “signs of destiny” and a little bit of magic. And now I am thinking – would anyone read such kind of biography? Not the “normal” non-fiction, which describes only chronological facts, but more artistic story, with a plot, filled with deep meaning. ❓Would you? #author #writer #authors #writerscommunity #writing #iamawriter #biography #people #peoplearoundtheworld #goodpeople #booksbooksbooks #books #bookstagram
1 month ago