1 month ago
It has been a season of growth, both professionally and personally 🌷. I just spent 7 weeks solo in Mexico. When people asked why I was going, I never knew how to answer, mostly because I didn’t know either. I knew I wanted to get uncomfortable & inspired, so a foreign country rich in culture & history made sense. In those 7 weeks I met new friends, reconnected with old ones, journaled, meditated, saw art, read some books, experienced food poisoning (twice), attempted watercoloring, butchered my Spanish regularly, drank mezcal, spent a lot of time alone, asked myself questions, & got myself some answers. To quote from my journal, haha- “I feel like I’m growing and expanding here. I am more sure of who I am than I have ever been. And not because I have a clear picture of what lies ahead, but because I trust my intuition entirely. When I get home, it’s like I’ll see everything in a different light, including myself—and that’s the most exciting part! Maybe that’s the whole point of this trip? How do I channel this feeling all the time?? Even while lying here, eating saltines and feeling like shit, I still know I am exactly where I need to be. For that I am grateful… grateful for all that I am and all I am becoming.” Albeit long-winded and a little dramatic (I was unwell with a lot of time on my hands, ok!?)- you get the gist. If you’re looking for some encouragement in whatever it may be, I recommend clearing out the noise and just going for it. Who knows, maybe you’ll bloom a little too?? 🫶💕🌷 P.S. This flower market was insannneee. Happy a few lil stems made it back to LA with me. P.P.S. Last slide is me contemplating my entire existence after 1 bad taco. Really makes u think yo !!! hahahahhha
1 month ago
1 month ago