1 month ago
What are YOU doing this weekend? ✨😍✨ One of astrologers favorite days of the year is almost here- in fact we will feel the Jupiter Cazimi energy 5/17-5/19. And this year it's extra juicy with a Venus-Uranus conjunction too! All of this is going down in the sign of Taurus so expect extra blessings around the part of your chart ruled by Taurus and for it to amplify and activate gifts of Taurus: make extra time for rest, embodiment, pleasure, art, eating well, starting new artistic or financial endeavors, being in nature, starting or tending to romantic relationships and- most of all- REST!!!! Where do you have Taurus in your chart and how will you honor this cosmic kiss?
😍😍😍 You’re so beautiful.
1 month ago
1 month ago
My husbands birthday is the 18th and he is pure taurus energy. Hoping for an extra special day together ❤💫
1 month ago
In my 11th house - having a delicious bottle your own wine picnic with the girlies. ❤️
1 month ago
My birthday!!🥰✨
1 month ago
Love you girl❣️ happy blessings! 🌞⚡️
1 month ago
I started up a travel advisory business today and shared it on my social media pages and stories RIGHT at the Cazimi time. It’s name? Cazimi Cruises! 😎 I am doing all the research, planning and booking of cruises for people who don’t want to or don’t know where to begin! 🤩 🛳️ ☀️ 😍
1 month ago
Not me launching my rebrand today without even knowing 💁🏻‍♀️🙌🏼🤩 I had intended to do it sooner, but there’s never any coincidences
1 month ago
My Moon, IC, and Saturn!!
1 month ago