1 month ago
I finished reading "Project Hail Mary" by #AndyWeir ! OMG, this is AMAZE-ing 🤗! The perfect ending of the perfect #scifi book! The story is true hard #sciencefiction , but with the author's signature humor and not-boring scientific experiments and calculations that look like all of them are real☺️ Author speculates with ideas about evolution, gravity and how biological species could look like, and this is so exciting to read! Although the story is about the single man on a big spaceship who has to save Earth, the book has some other characters besides the main one. And my favorite is Rocky, of course 😍. He is so cute and smart and kind and talented! I would love to meet him in real life🙈 I like that the people in all of Andy Weir's stories are so kind. In the face of great trouble they unite to solve the problem and forget all previous disputes. I would love to live in this world! As one of the reviews said – this story is an ultimate page-turner! Even if you know that Andy Weir’s books always have happy endings, you still worry about the characters until the very last page, because happy ending can be different and things might not end well for everyone😬 Anyway, I’ve said enough. If you liked “#TheMartian” , you will love “#ProjectHailMary” even more! And Andy Weir becomes officially my favorite #scifiauthor🤗 P.S: and only after I finished the book, I realized why it has this cover! All the details make perfect sense when you know how the story ends🤩 #bookreview #review #space #Amazon #kindle #goodreads #bookrecommendations