1 month ago
This little man is the symbol of ‘thoughtfulness’. I have never met a single grown-up as thoughtful as my little cousin Nithilan. Today I got reminded of his visit to London last year. We walked around 15- 20k steps everyday. One such day we came home with dead feet. As soon as I unlocked the door, he immediately held the door and let me in first. Then he took a wedge and inserted it under the door and immediately grabbed a stool nearby and asked me to sit and remove my shoes. 🥹 Then as we settled in for bed, he came to me and asked ‘why are you sad?’ I replied, ‘Im not sad baby, Im just tired with all the walking today’. He immediately with his little hands, with all the pressure he could, pressed my feet 🥹 And every 20 seconds he asked me ‘Are you feeling better?’ Can’t wait to see him grow up to a fine young man!
@nilanthevillan when are you gonna press my legs
1 month ago
Awwww soooooo sweet … God Bless my baby Nithilan 🥰😘😘😘😘
1 month ago