1 month ago
🏳️‍🌈 P R I D E 2 0 2 4 🌈💁‍♂️ It's here. We're still queer for, yet again, another year! What do you do with the badge you wear? We are currently living in a world that is desperate and determined to establish self-identification. Everyone is caught up in pronouns, what they identify as, gender, new terminology, and new labels. Everything is becoming more and more complex. I think it's great to know who you are. I think knowing how you choose to identify is important. But what I find the most important is not what title or badge you wear... but what you do while wearing it. There are so many elements, pivots, bumpy roads, and secret passage ways along all our journeys. Everything we experience leads us to where we are in our lives right now. So stop, take a moment to reflect, and feel proud of everything you have accomplished, overcome, learned from, experienced, and enjoyed. Your life is a unique and beautiful thing. We were all made differently. To look different. To act differently. To sound different. To love differently. To add different elements and special moments into the world. Appreciate and celebrate that. I can say that with everything life has thrown my way.. I'm proud of where I'm at. I've been able to support myself as a professional photographer for so many years. My 6 year anniversary, to the love of my life, is this month. We have survived three years of Trystan being in New York for residency. Only five more months left!!! A long-distance marriage is no walk in the park. Don't recommend. Luckily, we both focus on supporting one another in our goals and have built a beautiful life together. We have our crazy dogs, Lucifur and Evelyn. They have given me love and comfort and made me want to burn my house down all at the same time. They're little shitheads but they're cute... so I guess I'll keep them. Almost 8 years ago on our first date, I asked Trystan if he wanted marriage and kids. He said yes. I didn't realize I'd become a dog dad first and have to wait so long for us to start a family. Maybe next year we will add a kid to our photos. 🤞 Lots to be proud of and lots to look forward to. Love you all. Happy Pride!!!
“Don’t recommend” 😂 love you both in all your forms and identities.
1 month ago
💖💖 love you! You’re the strongest person I know!
1 month ago
Love you so much!!! One of the most beautiful humans on this planet 🩵
1 month ago
1 month ago
Miss you and love you so much!
1 month ago
Beautiful! ❤️
1 month ago
Happy Pride! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
1 month ago
Love all of this. Happy pride!
1 month ago
Happy Pride 🌈
1 month ago
I sure love you, my Michael. ❤️😘
25 days ago