1 month ago
About 3 weeks after my stroke 03/16/2024 I lost about 10 lb of muscle mass as I was bedridden for the first 10 days and was not able to walk due to the severe brain damage suffered from 2 strokes in 2 days so I had zero coordination and no balance for about the first 4 weeks after the stroke...... (photo on the left I took on April 2nd while wearing my heart monitor💓) I was cleared by my doctors to be able to start exercising with light resistance bands......after about 6 weeks on May 15th (photo on the right) I start to successfully put on some weight again thanks to a lot of hard work and training.... it goes without saying the last 2 months of reconditioning my heart and reconditioning my brain while rebuilding my body have not been easy at all as during every workout I have to ignore a lot of brain fatigue and brain exhaustion and keep trying to stay focused.....fortunately I've been able to handle this challenge and progressively I am starting to feel stronger and more coordinated and I'm hoping that the worst is over and that the next 2 months will be much easier than the last 2 months 💪 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #staymotivated #dontgiveup #staypositive