1 month ago
As we get busier running tours and I am in the water more, I have less and less time to spend with this little loaf who I love so much. This happens every season, but it never gets less heartbreaking. We did one last true ballet school session before I return to the water full time. We will definitely continue to do shorter sessions throughout the season, but the longer “performances” with pointe shoes will have to wait until fall. Enjoy this one “last dance” for the next few months and if anyone knows of any kitty daycares that are set up like doggy daycares, where they get to run around and swim, hmu.
So cute 🩷🩷🩷
1 month ago
I swear Kitty day care should be a thing, also kitty kindergarten
1 month ago
Ohhh no 😭 why do we have to work 😂 Im sure she would be happy maybe not tired but happy with whatever you are able to do with her
1 month ago
1 month ago