28 days ago
Dreams, or rather nightmares. I have a recurring dream (and I’m sure I’m not the only one) where I have a math exam coming up. I am not prepared, and in fact I have no understanding of any of the concepts in the exam. I’m doing my best to try to learn the strange symbols, but they don’t make any sense and time is running out. Just a few nights ago I had probably one of the worst occurrences of this dream, everything felt both very real and very abstract at the same time, and after waking up I felt pretty anxious for a while. 😓 The funny thing is that in real life, I love mathematics. I read math books and watch math videos all the time, and I do audio DSP coding that involves a lot of math concepts and equations. Yeah, it’s still pretty simple stuff compared to what some actual mathematicians and DSP gurus are doing, but the point is that I’m never afraid to dive deep into any new concept and try to learn it. In fact, it feels good to know there’s so many cool things I haven’t even touched yet, and they are there just waiting for me. It’s like an endless playground with infinitely many toys to play with. I haven’t been to any school or formally studied anything for about 30 years, but I’ve been having variations of this dream for years. Who knows what it means, if anything, but I think many people have similar dreams for some reason.
 Picture: AI’s depiction of a Math Monster, something that haunts me in my dreams. Not literally, but if there was a monster, it would probably look something like that. 👹
This the accumulated tension your mind dealed with by using your most often chosen way of mind-working. It let you live through and let out the hardest emotions in the situation of greatest responsibility (time and desicion making) taking out your fears to fight. As now your fear has the "face", think of the weapon you are gonna use next time, imagine it in all details and moves you are gonna accomplish
28 days ago
Sounds like a typical real life math exam to me. 😂 But I know those dreams too. Just a few nights ago someone in my dream wanted me to read something from a book to show me that I actually couldn't read. I know I can! I'm reading all the time! First I saw the book was written in Swedish (ok, not my mother tongue but I can read it) but when I wanted to start reading the letters kept changing and none of the words made sense anymore. It was impossible to read, no matter how hard I tried... and that person just laughed and said: "See, I told you! You really can't read!" 🙄
28 days ago
”Olen unessa useasti sinun kaduillas, koulutie. Kotiportilta kouluun asti minun askeleeni vie. Syysaamu koittaa yli heräävän kaupungin ja sen laidassa koski soittaa tutun sävelen ilmoihin.” -Koskenniemi, V.A.:Koulutie-
28 days ago
I once had a dream where I had a Finnish language exam (at my middle school for some reason, where we definitely didn't study any Finnish). Even though I know some Finnish I wasn't prepared for that😅😅😅
28 days ago
So that's why Marko is always promising to take away all of your fears at the end of the "Temple of thought'? Now it all makes sense! 😉
28 days ago
I have dreams like this about English tests, weirdly (I'm American and I actually have a degree in English, for reference). In my dreams, it's usually about a month or so into a new semester and I've registered for several classes, but for some reason I've been forgetting to go to any of them. 😳 I'm WAY behind and have no idea what's going on, but it's already too late to drop any of the classes. I suddenly remember, "Oh my gosh, I'm supposed to be in English class right now, and I haven't even been to class since the semester started!" I show up with no text book, nothing to take notes with, totally unprepared, and then find out we're having a pop quiz about a book I haven't read and can't answer any questions about. 😬
28 days ago
Same, I often see reoccurring dreams where I am at school or uni and there are just a few days left before the final exams and I haven't prepared to 2 main subjects needed to pass everything. There's a risk I'll have to stay in the same class for the second year and I don't want to, and feel so anxious and try to talk to the teachers about them letting me pass the exams with them. It always is so stressful and bad. School and uni are too traumatizing for our brains in the end it seems. 🥲
27 days ago
Have you tried to do lucid dreaming, where you control where the dream goes? I do that whenever ex-boyfriends show up in my dreams. I have the Sons of Anarchy escort them out. 😁 There is one bad dream that used to plague me, though. It was a giant crossword puzzle suspended in the air in a big dark room, but there were no clues to solve it. Sometimes it would have an electric hum. Always bothered me the next day.
26 days ago
There's a game on neopets called Math's Nightmare. I bet this is it
25 days ago
I love math❤️
23 days ago