1 month ago
A weekend of rally’s take place ahead of one of the most important elections in the world this year. South Africa goes to the polls on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 to vote on a new president and several other key government offices. Shown here are rallies held by the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA). Both rallies were marked by passion as South Africans voiced the same concerns at both rallies. Crime, jobs, unemployment, load-shedding and government corruption were among the keys concerns voiced by many. As early specialized voting begins in a few hours, South Africans here in South Africa and abroad approach this week’s elections with the excitement and anticipation. @upi #southafrica #anc #da #africannationalcongress #democraticalliance #change #africa #canon #canoncpa #canonphotography #canonr5 #canoncpsusa