1 month ago
Heads up a SACRAMENTO House show has been added to the tour this SUNDAY ( the 2nd). Contact @bcfaulkner67 if you are interested in coming and he’ll tell you how to get there (his email@is in above graphic too). This is a donations/pass the hat style show. Chances are if you are in the area you already know about the cool shows Brian has been doing for years but if you haven’t been there, reach out to him and he’ll tell you about it. See ya!
Ross!! 🙌
1 month ago
I looked at this image and then thought "I should tell Ross Hammond about this" and then I read it again.
1 month ago
Can’t wait!
1 month ago
Hey I can’t seem to find the rest of the west coast tour dates posted anywhere.
1 month ago
Ben N Ross 🔥🔥🔥
1 month ago