1 month ago
I wonder if @thecw could possibly drop the pageant telecast due to all this.
21 days ago
Laylah is a the piece of dog doo that I accidentally stepped on this morning. Her karma is on its way. And it will be beautifully served. 💥 We love you Noelia! ❤️
21 days ago
21 days ago
I certainly don’t know you but I hope you gave up that crown bc you didn’t want to place in on the head of a MAN. I’m sorry you and these women are facing this. My daughter recently had to play competitive girls flag football against a 10 year old boy. The only message we are sending to our girls is they can’t be better than a man pretending to be a woman. Thinking of you and I hope that’s why you held your ground 😘 sending you love from Arizona. 👏👏👏
21 days ago
We wish Laylah Rose will leave the organization. She don’t deserve to be a CEO
21 days ago