1 month ago
Slippery Elm Is NOT Endangered ❌ @feralforaging #wildfoodlove #ulmusrubra “You’ll see me harvesting some of the young seeds in this video. Is this sustainable? Yes, it is. When gathering the young samaras from slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) there are always going to be a few seeds that are easy to reach and a far greater number of seeds that will be too tedious to gather. Plus, it will take you to a place to look for the mature seeds (see end of video for context). I would love to see this tree used less for commercial harvest despite the conclusions of the video, especially because the invasive Siberian Elm (Ulmus parvifolia) can be used nearly interchangeably with slippery elm. I know some people are going to bring up the “status” from a different website on slippery elm, but if it’s the one I am thinking of, their process for listing a species of concern is far from rigorous from what I can observe, and they have more than a few other plants on their lists that have no business being on an “endangered” or “concern” list. I encourage you to read the IUCN’s assessment of slippery elm, which concludes that slippery elm is, “least concern”. It addresses the concern of exposure to Dutch Elm Disease. My young slippery elm saplings are doing great.“ - @feralforaging #slipperyelm #foraging #ulmus #wildfood #forager #foragedfood #elmdisease #dutchelmdisease #elm #elmtree #seedcollection #seedcollecting #treeseeds #treeidentification #commonmisconceptions #samaras #commonmisconceptions #plantfacts #IUCN #endangered #endangeredspecies #endangeredplants #plantsandtrees #herbalsupport #herbalsupplements #herbalplants
It was actually this red list rating which helped me see pseudo conservationists were lying about the climate effect polar bears. A very helpful tool.
1 month ago
There's a common squishy bark elm growing EVERYWHERE here in Pittsburgh PA and some people call it slippery elm and others call it rock elm, I can't tell the difference but assumed it was rock elm since slippery elm is "rare". I tried looking into it and yes, it seems slippery elm isn't rare, but do you know A) how to identify it over similar elm species. B) where to read up on why it's thought to be endangered? I mean, I get that Dutch elms disease diminished our elm populations, but there's still obviously species of elm BESIDES American elm everywhere you go
1 month ago
👏🏼 Enjoyed hearing your episode on @poldiwieland pod last week on Elderberries. I learned so much! #growthmindset
1 month ago
boom roasted. proceed to get slippery, everyone. responsibly of course.
1 month ago
I have been trying to distinguish which kind of elm is growing like a damn weed all over my yard. I kept looking at American elm and slippery elm the past five years or so trying to figure it out. Did not know there was another kind of elm. The inner bark on at least one of my elms was slippery but not the others. I wonder if I have multiple elm species. Whatever kind I have- it’s invasive and if you don’t get the root up you will just have to keep trimming it for years as a shrub. Cuz it is persistent and loves life to its fullest lol. I get about ten new volunteer elms every year in my rewilded lawn. Many of them end up getting mowed in the activity sections of the yard but I’ve left others in the wilder sections. I am soooo bad at identifying trees. I’ve been trying for years to memorize the difference between a black walnut sapling and a tree of heaven sapling too and I just can’t hold the info for some reason. I think I’m going to just call my extension agent at this point. Maybe mail some pics and get this saga over with. I need to know which kind of saplings to keep and which ones to harvest at fence-post size. Thanks for all this info. Maybe I have this Scottish elm thing, that would be cool since you say I can use it like the slippery elm herb.
1 month ago
I didn’t think the problem was it being at risk but rather cutting into and harming a tree for harvest. I can’t deny I love watching with mass harvesting videos for companies like starwest and mountain rose but they are literally destroying trees. Marshmallow is a near identical and a more ethical swap ❤️
1 month ago
1 month ago