1 month ago
HOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM BODY THROUGH VISUALISATION This might sound a bit crazy but hear me out because this is probably the most powerful weight loss tip I could give you Let me introduce you to the old me: 20kg overweight Bullied in school for being fat Referred to as a “whale” Binge ate on junk food Hated exercise Deeply depressed To think that I would ever be the kind of girl to wear a bikini in public and actually like how my body looks was completely delusional to me!! But that’s the point 🔮- the power of your mind is so much stronger than you think. I understand a lot of people will think this is just ridiculous and doesn’t actually work… BUT: “WHETHER YOU THINK YOU CAN OR YOU CAN’T: YOU’RE RIGHT!” How are you ever going to reach your goal if you can’t even imagine it or believe that it could happen? 🙋🏼‍♀️I was overweight, embarrassed to even be going into a gym and hated how I looked - but I would hop on the cross trainer and LITERALLY visualise myself in a red and white bikini with polka dots (LOL idk why that specific bikini but it helps be specific with these visions)🤣 I was sick of covering up on every holiday wearing baggy t-shirts and looking at the other girls who looked so confident wishing that could be me. So I decided to visualise how it would feel to be someone who was confident in a bikini - Which led me to ask these questions…👇🏼 📆What does her routine look like? 🥑What does her diet look like? 🧘🏼‍♀️Is she looking after herself? 👟Does she exercise? ✨Then I simply started acting as if I was that girl by replacing all the previous self sabotaging habits with habits and routines that aligned to my future self This visualisation power was a HUGE part of how I went from covering up in baggy T-shirts on holidays wishing to go home 👉🏼 to actually being that girl I used to imagine; feeling confident in a bikini and happy with my body if you need help breaking away from barriers that are holding you back, & if you need support + guidance to become the best version of you - I would love to help you! 🔗 to enquire is in my bio😚✨ @emmafituk_ #manifestation #goalsetting #weightlossjourney #thatgirl #weightlosstips
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
1 month ago
Omg I need your body!!!! 🔥🔥
28 days ago
Looks like zurich lake
19 days ago
I thought you lost weight because of your eating disorder? Did you “manifest” your dream body or did you go through severe caloric restriction?
10 days ago
YES! This is so incredible 🤍 Becoming the version of yourself who already feels the way you want to is such a powerful practice 🥰
9 days ago