1 month ago
A recent study published in the Journal Toxicological Sciences discovered that out of 23 human and 47 dog testes, all contained microplastics. Not one single participant in the study, animal included, had plastic-free tissue. In the study, the human testicles had a plastic concentration almost three times higher than that found in the dogs. Polyethylene, used in plastic bags and bottles, was the most common microplastic found, followed by PVC. So, What do these plastics do to our health? Well, for one, they contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to the endocrine system and negatively impact hormone health and fertility. How can one reduce consumption of plastics? Start with the things you can control. Replace plastic cutting boards, cups, tupperware containers, shower curtains, water bottles, etc with metal, cloth, or glass. You can't put yourself in a bubble, but you CAN educate yourself and minimize the endocrine disrupting poisoning of yourself and your family with small changes to your lifestyle. Your children will thank you later. Give us a call today to get scheduled for a FREE consultation! Call 1-800-465-2190 Text 818-839-5894 #HRT #hormonehealth #hormoneoptimization #TRT #Testosterone #fertility #infertility #microplastics #science #medicine #wellness #fitness