1 month ago
Last Monday 5/6 I had to take Roman into the vet. I could tell he wasn’t feeling well and he wasn’t eating. He got diagnosed with a severe case of diabetes. The doctor said it was manageable so I bought all the meds he needed. We had a follow up appointment that Friday for an ultra sound to check his liver and pancreas. On Thursday 5/9 I knew I was going to have to make a hard decision Friday. He wasn’t the same and could barely walk. The last photo is from 5/9. I took him to the park and I had a chat with him and told him mommy would be ok. I could tell he was so tired and not feeling well. We went to the vet on Friday 5/10 for his ultra sound and I was unfortunately right. He had other underlying issues like a history of pancreatitis and IBD. I had been able to manage it for 10 years but with the diabetes it was just too much for his little body and I had to make the hardest decision of my life and let him rest 💔 The first picture is from the day I brought him home in 2014. He was 2. He was originally a foster and he had so many health issues from the day I brought him home that I couldn’t imagine anyone else taking care of him the way I was. I was 25 and about to embark on the hardest years of my life and I had no idea. Since day 1 he saw mommy depressed. the amount of times I would be in my closet crying with him. I was so lost. I needed my baby boy more than he needed me. I have done so much inner child healing in the last year that I’m in such a great mental and spiritual place now. I think he saw that and knew that his purpose with me was complete. I promised him that mommy would not let this bring her down and I was going to stay strong and push myself for him. I gotta be honest though, I’m struggling. I don’t have a partner or kids and this is the first time in my adult life that I’m alone. Since I moved out of my parents I either had a boyfriend, roommate, or dogs. I’m not going to get another one any time soon. I’m always taking care of something or someone and putting others needs before mine. He was ready to let mommy be selfish and take care of herself and that’s what I’m going to do. I miss you so much buddy! I know you’re my little angel now🩵
So sorry for your loss❤️
27 days ago
I'm so sorry for your lost, I have been there, I know what it feels like cause I experience that with my Bengi🤍 I send U love for both
26 days ago
24 days ago
rest in peace little roman 🥺💔
22 days ago
I love you so much!! He had the best life and mama anyone could ask for. I’m so sorry hermana
19 days ago
Awww. My heart breaks for you. What a sweet pup he was. It’s tough I know. I have done it 3 times. 💔
18 days ago
I’m so sorry ❤️ he is with you
15 days ago
🤍🪽…. And caption 🙏🏽
14 days ago
My Condolences 9x💖
5 days ago