26 days ago
It’s easy to feel isolated when you’re stressed, over-extended, or overwhelmed. But that just might be the time you need your friends and family the most. Next time you feel you’re too busy to connect with others, consider taking just 5 minutes to reach out. A few moments of genuine connection can go a long way to reducing stress and making you feel better. Episode of #HouseCallswithVivekMurthy featuring @SaraBareilles and @celiakb available now wherever you listen to podcasts.
I guess not everyone can develop a psychopedagogy but everyone can develop a pedagogy.
23 days ago
What is avoidant personality disorder ? ncbi.nlm.nih.gov informs “Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a relatively common disorder that is associated with significant distress, impairment, and disability”. researchgate.net says “Theodore Millon introduced the concept in 1969”. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov logs “He conceived the essence of AVPD as a longing to relate to others, frustrated by oversensitivity to social stimuli, and hyperreactivity to the moods and feelings of others”. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov says “Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler first described an avoidant personality type in his 1911 work Dementia Praecox: Or the Group of Schizophrenias”. additudemag.com reports “Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) causes feelings of inadequacy, fear of rejection, and sensitivity to potential negative feedback”. freebythesea.com logs “An avoidant personality disorder is categorized as Cluster C personality disorder”. medicalnewstoday.com says “Cluster C personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions that cause intense fearfulness, insecurity, or perfectionism”. additudemag.com reports “Research suggests that AVPD affects up to 2.5% of the U.S. population”. psychcentral.com informs “Living with this condition can mean fear of rejection or harsh judgment prevents you from establishing interpersonal contact”. psychcentral.com logs “Emotional unavailability may also be a symptom”. additudemag.com reports “AVPD is one of 10 personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)”. merckmanuals.com states “In community surveys, avoidant personality disorder affects females more often than males, though the difference is small”. healthcentral.com reports “According to the DSM-5, the conditions that are most often diagnosed along with AVPD include depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorders, especially social anxiety disorder”. verywellmind.com says “Avoidant personality disorder can only be diagnosed by a trained mental health professional”. merckmanuals.com informs “Treatment is with psychotherapy, anxiolytics, and antidepressants”.
23 days ago
What is Physiatry? axionspine.com informs “Physiatry is a medical specialty that emphasizes the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with disability”. axionspine.com says “Physiatry has been recognized as a distinct medical specialty since 1947”. axionspine.com states “Physiatry aims to restore health, improve function, reduce pain, and improve the quality of life for injured or disabled people”. hopkinsmedicine.org says “Physiatry provides for multidisciplinary care aimed at the recovery of the whole person by addressing his or her physical, emotional, vocational, and social needs”. pennmedicine.org informs “Physiatry combines physical therapy and pain treatments to help patients avoid surgery”. hss.edu says “A physiatrist is a specialist in the treatment of pain without surgery”. spine-health.com states “Physiatrists treat a wide range of problems that affect the musculoskeletal system”. orthocarolina.com informs “A physiatrist is a physician specialized in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R)”. pennmedicine.org says “Physiatrists employ a combination of physical therapy treatments, medication management and a host of procedures including soft tissue, muscle, nerve and spine injections to treat a variety of disorders”. spine-health.com logs “A physiatrist can be either a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO)”. wwmedgroup.com says “Their training is broad, and allows them to look at the total body, rather than just one organ”. wwmedgroup.com informs “By considering other areas of the body, physiatrists can be helpful for pinpointing difficult-to-diagnose pain by examining the relationships of all the moving parts of the body”. myhealth.alberta.ca logs “A physiatrist often leads a team of health professionals that may include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and social workers, all of whom work together to improve a person's recovery”. wwmedgroup.com says “Physiatrists work in many different settings such as inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient clinics, and pediatric clinics”.
23 days ago
What is social contagion? ncbi.nlm.nih.gov says “Social Contagion is defined as the spread of behaviors, attitudes, and affect through crowds and other types of social aggregates from one member to another”. grouporttherapy.com informs “The concept of social contagion offers crucial insights into how individuals are influenced by their social surroundings and how collective behaviors emerge”. grouporttherapy.com says “It is not a conscious process; individuals often adopt the behaviors or attitudes of those around them without realizing the influence exerted by their social surroundings”. fastercapital.com reports “This phenomenon has been studied from different perspectives such as psychology, sociology, and communication studies”. dictionary.apa.org says “Early analyses of social contagion suggested that it resulted from the heightened suggestibility of members and likened the process to the spread of contagious diseases”. dictionary.apa.org reports “Subsequent studies suggest that social contagion is sustained by relatively mundane interpersonal processes, such as imitation, conformity, universality, and mimicry”. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov reports “Adolescents are prone to social contagion because they may be especially susceptible to peer influence and social media”. sciencedirect.com says “Eating disorders, cutting behavior, and suicide are affected by social contagion processes and are prime examples of the possible harmful effects of social contagion in the field of mental health”. psychologytoday.com informs “An example of social contagion is the 1962 June Bug”. psychologytoday.com reports “In June of 1962, dozens of workers in a textile factory came down with the same physical symptoms–rashes, numbness in the hands and feet, and episodes of nausea”. psychologytoday.com says “It was initially believed that the factory had been infested with some sort of toxic insect that had bitten the workers”. sixpenceee.com informs “The factory was evacuated, but only two insects were found, and there were no hazardous chemicals on the premises that could cause such a reaction”.
22 days ago
What is sepsis? mayoclinic.org says “Sepsis is a serious condition in which the body responds improperly to an infection”. healthline.com informs “Sepsis develops when an existing infection triggers an extreme immune system response in your body”. healthdirect.gov.au states “This causes your body’s organs to not work properly, which is life threatening”. healthline.com reports “There are approximately 1.7 million cases of sepsis each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)”. healthline.com says “In addition, this type of infection kills nearly 270,000 people in the United States every year”. who.int informs “Common signs of sepsis include fever, fast heart rate, rapid breathing, confusion and body pain”. who.int states “Sepsis is usually caused by bacterial infections but may be the result of other infections such as viruses, parasites or fungi”. webmd.com says “In severe cases, sepsis causes a dangerous drop in blood pressure”. my.clevelandclinic.org informs “Sepsis can be divided into three stages: sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock”. malmanlaw.com says “The first stage is known as sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), occurs when the body’s immune system launches an overwhelming response to an infection”. news-medical.net reports “The second stage, called severe sepsis, is diagnosed when acute organ dysfunction begins”. kryderlaw.com says “The third stage of sepsis is called septic shock and is the most severe stage”. bencrump.com reports “About half of the patients who develop septic shock will die from it, according to the Mayo Clinic (2021)”. who.int states “Sepsis acquired in health care settings is one of the most frequent adverse events during care delivery and affect hundreds of millions of patients worldwide every year”. healthdirect.gov.au says “Sepsis often needs to be treated in the intensive care unit, where you can be very closely monitored”. who.int informs “Its treatment requires medical care, including the use of antimicrobials, intravenous fluids and other measures”.
22 days ago
I just talked about this with my therapist ❤️
22 days ago
Redefine productivity.
20 days ago
This!!! 👏 @only7seconds is an amazing organization calling attention to this very important conversation about the human need for connection! 💛🙏
20 days ago
17 days ago
That's capitalism's way of using soft power to make you go out and make content. Bills, the threat of homelessness, lack of healthcare or mental health services, everything being overpriced, etc. that's hard power but making you feel like you have to generate "something" to matter is gas lighting.
3 days ago