24 days ago
In light of recent news stories, and social media mentions, NAM shares this official statement... For decades, National American Miss “NAM” has proudly celebrated all young women. This year in Alabama, Sara captivated the selection panel with her clear communication, poise on stage, and extensive community service. Her message of body positivity and emphasis on never giving up on your goals is inspiring. Pageants are not all the same. NAM is a pageant that encourages young women to live life without limits, and to boldly pursue their dreams. Our mission and philosophy are further explained at our website . • • • #nam #namiss #growingconfidence #pageant
Hope my 6 year daughter feels the same way as all you ladies do about NAM this is her second year competing she is a true underdog looking for her Cinderella story. Even tho that we might ever get a national or state title it helps but it builds confidence and takes courage to do what all you ladies do it also builds it in others watching saying i could do that. Cause my daughters slogan this year for thyme this yr is dreams without goals are just dreams keep doing what you do ans
21 days ago
Obesity shouldn't be celebrated, it's deadly. 🤷🏼‍♂️
20 days ago
I love @nationalamericanmiss for this reason! They accept everyone!
20 days ago
Very much appreciate @nationalamericanmiss for speaking out about this🙌🙌 proud to be a part of the #namily🩷
19 days ago
Yes! 🙌 Thank you NAM for not only sticking up for you delegates but for your morals and mission. In a day in age where it is all too easy to fall to the social pressure we call hate. We applaud you for standing tall. Every circuit should be looking at you as an example right now. Thank you for holding the bar where it should be for young pageant girls of all shapes and sizes ❤️
16 days ago
This is exactly WHY we love being part of NAM and Namily! Thank you for sharing this statement! NAM is unlike all the other pageant system and very unique..this system doesn’t try to change any young lady yet challenges to be the best version of herself and keep dreaming the BIG dreams and set goals to be self-motivated. I have 3 daughters, who have been a part of this organization and learned so much life skills whether it was about building confidence and poise at first to gaining friendships, onstage performances opportunities, sharing talent, to public speaking & presentation skills. Not to mentioned without a doubt, the perfect interview score after years of practice with their absolutely amazing coaches (who were former National queens) was the “star of the show” when it came down to applying for their dream job to school of their choice. If anyone were to ask WHY NAM? Here is the answer! It is truly an honor to be part of this wonderful organization. Thank you NAM and our Namily as well as our directors K & S Mayes for always showing your incredible kindness, love, leadership and support throughout this system! 💗👑💗 #NAMNationals2024 #namwapreteen2024 #namwapreteen #Yoongirls #evayoon #faithyoon #sharonyoon
13 days ago