28 days ago
How much of your kids art work do you keep? It may sound like a joke but this is actually a serious question 😂 Don’t get me wrong I am so grateful for these daily gifts, however, I can’t keep allllll of them 🥴 what do you guys do? Let me know in the comments ❤️
U could take pics of it in your phone, then make a digital collage book, they have something online where u can do that and they make a book out of. So, no more guilt!
27 days ago
No you are not you can’t keep everything just keep a few each year. Who has time for all the hoarding!
27 days ago
You can’t keep everything. Save the ones you love, then frame them. X
27 days ago
Not every artwork is meant to be kept 😅.
27 days ago
Although, you can make them into cards for people...thank you cards, bday and so on. I received one and loved it.
27 days ago
27 days ago
27 days ago
we regularly go through them with my little one and she is brutal 😂 I literally have to hide some I love to avoid them getting thrown in the bin by her. I guess it’s a good lesson about letting go. I also saw in the comments use the word recycle, it worked well for me too :)
23 days ago