1 month ago
We finished filming and I finished my online program for the year,.. But once I was home, I wanted to go back to in person school. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ⁣ One catch: I have to take semester exams 😳🫠 ⁣ Would you go back or no? 💁🏼‍♀️⁣ ⁣ #childactor #seriesregular #thereallyloudhouse #backtoschool #lexijanicek @nitabrochu
Oh my god so true❤️💙🩵✨💜
1 month ago
/in love wth
1 month ago
Ig deleted smthng id typed in the past abt ths so I was clse to retyping it thn phone died dnt really wanna retype it rn bt brain knda was saying too bt I thnk@ths prsn from school hgh school which is why i@lked it senior year after Halloween of 18 and knda mfs my self being pulled towards thm whn I ws a junior n shhht/stff trying nt to stare diagonally tx the right and they why I’ve prayed bfore bfore I moved to mtn brook whn I was well shy your age if your n 6/sixth grade and I jst wanted a jst frnd the can rules be there/their for me and nvr leave me nc matter wht snd always be there/their for me always wth a certain kinda color feeling and vibe of what I wanted thn they came along and the crsh from school/friend i think/I know is my soulmate/prsn I wanna end up wth thanks to Halloween of 18 tht nght
1 month ago
so beautiful and cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️
1 month ago
Am I worried about the remaining episodes of the second season of Nickelodeon's The Really Loud House?
1 month ago
You remind me so much of your mom here! I LOVE it!
1 month ago
I know the girls have missed you!
1 month ago
Would you like to learn to speak Spanish??😔🤗
1 month ago