6 months ago
2023 was the best year of my life. The year I got my sh*t together, the year I tried to be the best uncle/son/brother/friend I could be, and the year I decided to focus on what truly matters. I’m so grateful for my job and everything it’s afforded me, but I truly learned to separate my career from who I am as a human being, and I’ve never been happier. Cheers to this never-ending healing journey continuing in 2024 🤘🏼
6 months ago
This is gonna be the best year of our LIVES love you dude!
6 months ago
Hell yeah dude love that ❤️
6 months ago
Happy New Year honey☺️
5 months ago
incredibly proud of you @deanpurificato !
5 months ago
Love this Dean. 🤍 happy for you
4 months ago