6 months ago
Happy New year everyone! 🎉🎉🎉 I've written a long self-flattering post on LinkedIn to brag about my achievements so that's enough 😅 2023 had ups and downs, laughs and tears, but that's all part of life. I haven't done anything special but I listened to myself all the time and kept my inner peace untouched with all means, doesn't matter what's going on around. Because whatever you achieve outside will not make you happy if it's all chaotic inside you. Amen 😄 Btw, the post picture didn't succeed without clementines, so I had to keep them and the happy farmer expression. So, let's jump into 2024 with the new energy, let's meet more often, let's do something new, let's express emotions and be honest ❤️ Hugs 🤗