6 months ago
It’s the time of year when you’ve told yourself you’ll finally get in shape, drop the unwanted belly fat, and see it through. I know it can feel overwhelming, and with all the noise out there telling you what to do and not do, you likely feel you have to change everything at once. However, this is a one-way ticket to failure - let’s change that. So if you want to look and feel better but don’t know where to start, or simply need someone to keep you accountable, and make sure you’re doing everything right - I can help. I handle all coaching, providing a tailored nutrition and training plan based on your preferences that will keep you consistent. You’ll have weekly check-ins with me, and offer an app for easy contact with me 24/7. I’m limiting my client intake monthly, focusing on those committed to making significant progress. If you want to make a genuine transformation this year, head over to terryhollandscoaching.com and fill out the form, let’s kick off 2024 in the right direction!
Life changing work man 🔥🔥
4 months ago
Hey Terry, your journey is so inspiring! Watched you for years during strongman and to see you on the bodybuilding stage is so motivating. True legend 💙
3 months ago
Its madness, big question but what was it like being 31 stone in the first pic? Was it really hard work moving that weight around. Amazing work
3 months ago
amazing transformation was awesome meeting you at the Arnold classic UK Expo :)
3 months ago
@terryhollands sent you a message pal
3 months ago
Marry me 😍
3 months ago
Some difference there pal 😮
3 months ago
26 days ago