Emily Anastasio


-Miss Connecticut’s Teen 2023 -Alzheimer’s Advocate JOIN & DONATE TO MY WALK TO END ALZ TEAM BELOW!👇
Information on my Walk to End Alzheimer’s Team below!👇 The past 3 years, I have been attending the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, walking and fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Association. Last year, I was fortunate enough to attend as Miss Connecticut’s Teen 2023, and volunteer with many of the opening festivities as well as connect with so many wonderful people. I am so thrilled to be able to return to the 2024 walk this October with my team, Anastasio Assisting Alzheimer’s! If you would like to join my team and walk with us on October 19th, you can click the link in my Instagram bio! We are also fundraising through my team, and are looking to raise $500, so if you would like to donate, you can also find the place to do so by clicking the link in my Instagram bio! See you all on the trail!💜💜
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3 days ago
What a beautiful week it’s been.💙✨ This past weekend, I passed on my title and crowned a new Miss Connecticut’s Teen. I am forever grateful for all of the incredible opportunities that the @missconnecticutscholarshiporg gave me while I was the state teen titleholder, especially the extended platform to educate people on and fundraise for Alzheimer’s. During the competition week, we had themed rehearsals, and one of our rehearsals was Purple Pride, in honor of my CSI, Alzheimer’s Awareness, and our forever Miss CT 2023’s CSI, the Grace Collective. All of the delegates and volunteers wore purple, and Gina and I were even able to gift all of the girls sponsored t-shirts with our logos on them. Seeing everyone come together to support two causes that are near and dear to our hearts was truly magical. My heart is filled with immense gratitude for everyone who has supported me throughout my journey as Miss Connecticut’s Teen 2023. While this may be the end of my @missamericasteen journey, it is certainly not the end of my pageant journey, nor my efforts to educate people on the effects that Alzheimer’s has on patients and their caretakers, as well as fundraise so that one day, we will have a cure. A huge congratulations to our new @missamericasteenct , Camryn, and our new @missamericact , Monica. I am so very proud of both of you and how much you’ve grown over the last few years that you have been vying for these titles. I cannot wait to support you in all that you do.💜👑
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9 days ago
Happy Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month!💜 While June is a special month for many different communities, it is VERY special for the Alzheimer’s community, as it is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month! It is very important to keep your brain safe and healthy at all times, and having a whole month dedicated to learning different ways to do that is very helpful and insightful! While I was attending the Miles for Memories Popup Walk this past weekend, I came across the wonderful graphic above, depicting 10 healthy habits for your brain, and they are: 💜Protect your head 💜Be smoke free 💜Get moving 💜Sleep well 💜Manage diabetes 💜Control your blood pressure 💜Challenge your mind 💜Stay in school 💜Eat right 💜Maintain a healthy weight
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23 days ago
Miles for Memories, walking to support the Alzheimer’s Association.💜 I was so honored to attend the Alzheimer’s Association’s Miles for Memories pop-up walk in Torrington this morning. Since this was my last event with the Alzheimer’s Association as Miss Connecticut’s Teen, I knew that I wanted to make today special, and I definitely was able to do that! I got to mingle with walk participants and vendors, make connections with several of the members from the Alzheimer’s Association, help cut the ribbon to begin the walk, and even join in and walk a few miles with the rest of today’s crew! Big thank you to Jess and the rest of the @alzct family for welcoming me into your team and family with open arms this year, as well as support everyone of my endeavors with my Community Service Initiative, Alzheimer’s Awareness. I could not think of a better organization to spend my time promoting and supporting, and I cannot wait to continue working with you all in the future!💜🤍🥹
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25 days ago
One year ago today, I had one of my proudest days as a titleholder.💜 Going into my last year as a teen titleholder within the Miss America Opportunity last year, I knew I wanted to make the most of my extended platform and megaphoned voice. On June 4th, 2023, I hosted my first annual fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association. It was a pasta dinner that was put together by myself, with the help of so many of my family members and friends who have also been affected by Alzheimer’s. We had a wonderful dinner, gave away some amazing raffle prizes, and got to watch a few very talented young ladies perform. Through this fundraiser, I was able to raise $1,140 for the @alzassociation and @alzct , and to this day, it is one of my proudest achievements. I cannot wait to continue to host annual fundraisers, similar to my pasta dinner and paint night, for the Alzheimer’s, so that we can educate people on the effects that Alzheimer’s has on patients and their caretakers, as well as raise research funds so that one day, we can find a cure.💜🥰
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29 days ago
Happy Free Cone Day!💜😋🍦 I had the absolute BEST night getting to support and raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association on Free Cone Day! I was on shift from 6-8 PM at Ben and Jerry’s in West Hartford scooping ice cream and taking photos! We served so many people that we ran out of cones an hour before closing time, and I even got to serve the last scoop of ice cream to our very last customer of the night! I love getting to spend time with my @alzassociation @alzct family while we raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s, and tonight was no exception. I hope you all were able to enjoy a free cone on this beautiful Free Cone Day as well!💜🤩
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2 months ago
Painting for Alzheimer’s = A SUCCESS!💜🥹✨ Tonight was the absolute best night with some incredible people! We were able to paint a beautiful beach at night, with the help of our instructor, Alyssa. All of our painting were of the same picture, but they were all so unique and beautiful. Thanks to all of the people who came out and all of the people who donated, we were able to raise $235 for the Alzheimer’s Association! I cannot wait to donate this money to help Alzheimer’s research so that one day, we can find a cure!🥳💜
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2 months ago
Paint for a cause with us!🩵🥰 I am so elated to share with you a fundraiser that I’ve been working on for a few months now to help benefit my Community Service Initiative, Alzheimer’s Awareness, and the Alzheimer’s Association! I will be hosting a Paint Night Fundraiser on Friday, April 12th, 2024 at Catalyst Art Studio in Wallingford, Connecticut. It will take place from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, and tickets will cost $35 per person. Alzheimer’s is a cause that is near and dear to my heart, and having this fundraiser to support it and fund research is absolutely wonderful. If you would like to join me at this lovely event, you can RSVP and purchase your ticket at /events-1/miss-connecticuts-teen-paint-night 🤩🥳👸
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2 months ago
3/20/24 - Most recently, I had the honor of attending Advocacy Day with the Alzheimer’s Association at the Connecticut State Capitol! We got to speak to policy makers, senators, and legislators about bills relating to Alzheimer’s that we were hoping to get introduced into the house, as well as share our personal stories regarding the disease. So many advocates and change makers came up to me and thanked me for my advocacy within the state and country for Alzheimer’s, snd that meant more to me than anything else.💜
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3 months ago
3/15/24 - I was able to go back to my middle school, Lincoln Middle School, for the first time since graduating in 2019, and speak to all of the 8th grade students about myself and all that my title entails! A big part of my talk with the students was about my Community Service Initiative, Alzheimer’s Awareness, and how the disease not only effects older people, but also our younger caregivers and patients as well. I also got to share with them some interesting facts about Alzheimer’s that they did not know before our talk, my story and personal connection to Alzheimer’s, and all of the work that I had done so far with my CSI and the Alzheimer’s Association.💛
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3 months ago
2/18/24 - I had the pleasure and honor of attending the 2024 Miss New Hampshire’s Teen Competition with my New England sister queens! We got to cheer on all of the ladies competing for the state title, celebrate our 2023 sister, Sienna, and her beautiful year, and also share our names and a bit about our CSIs onstage during the intermission! I proudly shared my Community Service Initiative, Alzheimer’s Awareness, and that with my initiative, I work to educate people on the effects that Alzheimer’s has on patients and their caretakers.💛
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3 months ago
2/17/24 - I had the honor of attending and judging the Miss Rising Star Pageant, put on by forever Miss Connecticut’s Teen 2022, Peyton Troth, in support of her non-profit, Peyton’s Promise! During the intermission of the competition, Gina and myself got to go up onstage and talk to the audience about our experiences at Miss America and Miss America’s Teen, as well as all that we had accomplished during our years of service! I got to share my upcoming projects that I was planning in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, and all that I had already done with my CSI so far! I got to speak to many of the contestants about my Community Service Initiative as well, and connect with some who knew someone living with Alzheimer’s.🩵
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3 months ago