School of Electrical Engineering


Aalto University ⚡️Electrifying the future 🌍Solutions for the great challenges of humankind TikTok: @aallonteekkarit
It's time to enjoy the wonderful Finnish summer and experience the magic of nightless nights. We wish everyone a happy and relaxing midsummer! ☀️ Iloista ja rentouttavaa juhannusta! ☀️
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13 days ago
Last week we celebrated our new Doctors of Science in Technology – and what a celebration it was! 🤩 The conferment day brought together the academic community, friends and families to honor the incredible achievements and hard work of our doctors. Warmest congratulations to all and wishing you a bright future ahead! ✨🥂🥳
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16 days ago
Our student team placed sixth in the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge competition! 🏎️ 
Student teams from all over the world took part in the tough competition. Initially there were 80 teams, of which 24 qualified to compete on site. The Aalto team consisted of students Dimitrios Bouzoulas, Nandu Jagdish, Kiran G Krishnan, Joose Lankia and Henrik Toikka from the Schools of Electrical Engineering and Engineering. Postdoctoral researcher Risto Ojala was the team’s mentor.

The Bosch Future Mobility Challenge is an international competition in which student teams develop autonomous driving and connectivity algorithms for 1:10 scale vehicles supplied by Bosch. They navigate in an environment that simulates a miniature smart city. Congratulations to our team for the significant achievement! 🏆🏁 📸: Nicu Cherciu
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1 month ago
Siistejä laitteita Sähköpajakurssin loppunäytöksessä 🤖 Kurssilla opiskelijamme suunnittelevat ja rakentavat toimivan sähkölaitteen – yleensä ripauksella huumoria. ⁣ ⁣ Kurssi on osa sähkötekniikan kandidaattiohjelmaa, mutta sinne ovat tervetulleita kaikki Aallon opiskelijat. Kurssilla ei nimittäin tarvitse aikaisempaa kokemusta sähkötekniikasta tai koodauksesta ⚡ Kurssi järjestetään syksyisin ja keväisin.⁣ ⁣ ---⁣ ⁣ Cool devices at the final show of the Electrical Workshop course 🤖 During the course, our students design and build a working electrical device – usually with a touch of humour.⁣ ⁣ The course is part of our bachelor's programme in electrical engineering, but all Aalto students are welcome. No previous experience in electrical engineering or coding is required ⚡ The course takes place in autumn and spring.
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1 month ago
Our multi-talented doctoral researcher and rapper Leonardo Fierro defends his dissertation today! Like many researchers at @aaltoacousticslab , Leonardo has a great passion for music. He started listening to rap music when the film 8 Mile came out, and later started writing his own songs. Now he has two official records and two extended plays 🎤 'Rap music was probably the stepping stone that eventually brought me to Aalto and into audio signal processing research. I was learning by myself how to mix, master, and record, often having to come up with makeshift solutions to compensate for the non-existent budget,' says Leonardo. Leonardo's doctoral research is called 'Audio Decomposition for Time Stretching'. 'I deal mostly with transient sounds, that are e.g., knocks, claps, and plosives. They are basically a burst of energy that is narrow timewise, and they must be treated with particular care. The main application of my research is time-scale modification, a process of speeding up and slowing down a sound without altering it,' Leonardo explains. Good luck, Leonardo! 💎 👉Click the link in bio to read the whole interview Photos: Paulo Pannuzzo and Leonardo Fierro
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1 month ago
We want you! 🫵 We are looking for doctoral researchers to pursue their doctoral degree in the MIcroELectronics doctoral pilot.⁣ ⁣ The demand for experts in the field of microelectronics is already very high and growing, and the opportunities in the job market are numerous and versatile.⁣ ⁣ The doctoral school pilot aims at graduation in three years with industrially relevant research topics and immediate employment to companies and business after graduation.⁣ ⁣ Click the link in bio to read more! But be fast - application closes on 9 June 2024.
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1 month ago
New Master's Programme: Health Technology Engineering!⁣⚡ ⁣ The health technology industry is in dire need of translational engineering skills to facilitate the transition of research innovations into patient outcomes. Aalto offers a unique opportunity to combine engineering knowledge with a practical understanding of health-related issues 🤝 ⁣ All of our three departments are significantly involved in both teaching and programme management. The programme emphasises engineering education and practical solutions to health-related problems.⁣ ⁣ In practice, the teaching is explored through biosensing and biosignal processing, the study of biomechanical concepts, as well as deepening knowledge of embedded electronics, signal processing and automation, and relevant regulatory frameworks.⁣ ⁣ Graduates can take the lead in pioneering telehealth solutions and optimising healthcare technologies. Their roles can also extend to research, regulation and consultancy, shaping the global health technology landscape and taking their careers from academic research to the forefront of global health technology start-ups.⁣ ⁣ 👉A curriculum for the programme for the years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 has been published. Students with a Bachelor of Science degree from Aalto can already transfer to the programme. The first application period for other students will open at the end of 2024! Click the link in bio to learn more. Photo: Unto Rautio/Aalto University
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1 month ago
Smart Wearables courses teach students both design and engineering skills ⭐⁣ ⁣ Prof. Yu Xiao, from the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, and her research group have developed two new courses on smart wearables in collaboration with the Department of Design. These multidisciplinary courses emphasise both design and engineering skills: students learn about smart textiles and produce a related project in a small group.⁣ ⁣ In the basic course, Wang Zhicheng, a student of Human-Computer Interaction, and Sara Kutkova, a student of Computer Science, designed a pair of smart gloves for gesture recognition 🧤⁣ ⁣ 'The course was truly a one-of-a-kind experience, bringing together students from both technical and artistic backgrounds, fostering creative collaboration. The outcome of the course really exceeded my expectations,' Wang Zhicheng says. ⁣ ⁣ In the Smart Wearables II course, Design student Pia Johansson and Sara Kutkova worked in a group of three people, all from different disciplines. The group created a prototype for a smart hiking and outdoor garment that could detect sweat and help regulate body temperature 🌡️ ⁣ ⁣ 'I found it very useful to observe and learn from the problem-solving approaches of people from other disciplines, such as computer science or physics,' Pia Johansson says.⁣ ⁣ As a computer science student, Sara Kutkova didn't have much knowledge about different materials or design, for example.⁣ ⁣ 'A good smart wearable has to be comfortable and sustainable, which is one of the big challenges in the wearable industry today. During this course, and especially thanks to my teammates, I learned more about this issue,' says Sara Kutkova. ⁣ ⁣ Aalto student! Would you be interested in taking the courses? Click the link in bio to learn more ✨
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1 month ago
Avaruudessa on meidän lisäksi (todennäköisesti) muuta elämää. 👽 Tämä asia pitää astrofyysikko Joni Tammea hereillä öisin. Uudessa ”Tiedettä vai tarinaa?” -sarjassa setvitään scifisarjojen tiedettä ja tutkimusta asiantuntijoiden kanssa! Netflixin 3 body problem -scifisarjassa yksittäinen astrofyysikko määrittää ihmiskunnan kohtalon lähettämällä viestin ulkoavaruuteen. Mutta voisiko auringon läpi tosiaan lähettää sanoman toiselle planeetalle? Jakson voi katsoa kokonaisuudessaan Youtube-kanavaltamme, linkki biossa! * It’s likely that we’re not alone in the universe. Joni Tammi, astrophysicist and Director of Metsähovi Radio Observatory, discusses Netflix’s new scifi series 3 Body Problem together with Aalto alum and scifi enthusiast Suvi Rantonen. The podcast is only available in Finnish on Youtube and Spotify.
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1 month ago
The most important days of students’ life are here again! Happy Wappu to all and congratulations to all the freshers who will wear their teekkari caps for the first time! 🎈💜 Opiskelijaelämän hienoimmat päivät ovat täällä taas! Iloista wappua kaikille ja onnittelut kaikille fukseille, jotka saavat painaa teekkarilakin ensimmäistä kertaa päähänsä! 🎈💜
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2 months ago
Finland has its reputation for being the happiest country in the world. One of the reasons for that is because it is also one of the safest, especially for children. Meet Associate Professor Xiao Yu, originally from China. She has lived in Finland since 2007. One of the motivations for her staying in the country for so long are the opportunities and the safety for her two children. Here we spend a day with Xiao and her family to take a glimpse into their daily lives and what it means to raise children in the Nordic country. Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We are an international community of bold thinkers who shape a sustainable future with education, research breakthroughs and innovative ideas and solutions.
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2 months ago
Laitosriehassa opiskelijamme pääsevät tutustumaan Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulun tutkimusryhmien toimintaan 🔎 Katso videolta, miltä tapahtumaa järjestäneen Mikhailin päivä näytti! At the Laitosrieha event, students have the opportunity to observe the research conducted by the School of Electrical Engineering 🔎 Watch the video to see what Mikhail’s day, the event organiser, was like!
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2 months ago