Adam Noble Bass


Adam Superfan here. Old account got hacked, use this new one (at least until I recover my old one, so add this & block other until then) Love y'all!
"Sand Witch" by @santosian
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2 months ago
LOTTIE from @derekkirkkim_ !!re!!_039;s "the Last Mermaid" (@ImageComics ) OUT NOW!!!
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3 months ago
#SofaKingExcited for this upcoming @ImageComics series from maestros @digduggan & @garrybrownart - I have a funny feeling #FallingInLoveOnThePathToHell is going to not-too-gently break my fucking heart 🖤🤘🏾😬🤘🏾❤️‍🩹
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3 months ago
Awesome #WesleyWillis photo, Travis Long Live the King... Longer Lives the @Buddyhead_
17 1
4 months ago
The Silver Age is Coming to an End... We Live in Exciting Times. @Marvel_ !!re!!_039;s #Miracleman #DickieIsTheDevil #Dauntless #GoodOnYa
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5 months ago
this glimpse into the Spider-verse brought to You by "Rawkín'" @MartinCoccolo !!!
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5 months ago
Four of the greatest consecutive panels I've ever seen in a comic book. ‐from @Marvel_ !!re!!_039;s #Thanos Vol. 4, issue two, out now! #WhenYouGottaGo #GoThanosGo !!! #KingOfTheRoad
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5 months ago
Happy New Year, True Believers!!! #StayGolden #KeepThwippin #butts Superior Spider-man (2023) #2 Stormbreakers Variant Cover Art by @nic__klein
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6 months ago
Found in the back of 1977's LOGAN'S RUN issue no. 6 (yes, the Michael York vehicle adapted, NOT a Wolverine rag HAHA HA): the very 1st #THANOS solo story, featuring #DRAXtheDESTROYER !!!
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6 months ago
@Marvel Presents: Predator vs. Wolverine - by Bill Sien-mutha-kie'n-wicz!!!
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7 months ago
The Belltown Barber & my beautiful buddy!!! -go see Coco for relatively reasonably priced cuts 'n' color!! w00t!
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7 months ago
@ed_piskor section at @fantagraphics Book Store in Seattle's Georgetown neighborhood! Pictured: tons of variants for face value Not Pictured: the $150 Ed Piskor Studio Edition! #BuyOrDie #OutlawComics #CartoonistKayfabe
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11 months ago