

XXVIII, Cancer, Cosplayer
Alright people, let's do this one last time.. When I was a kid, the first time I ever saw the Scarlet Spider outfit was this comic cover. Ever since then, I have loved the suit. 20 years later and I am now dressing up in outfits my younger self couldn't have dreamed of. Meeting some of the best people I've had the pleasure of knowing through this hobby. Cosplaying means a lot to me and I am so thankful for all the people I've met through it and the great experiences I've had. Cosplaying for me is also a way to live out those childhood dreams of dressing up as the characters i love. I wish I could show this picture @pixelens._ made to my younger self and let him know one day he'll get to be freaking Spider-man. If you read all that, thank you for taking the time. Hope you enjoyed my TED talk.
59 1
19 days ago
The main reason I went to @fanexpochicago was to meet Solid Snake/Big Boss himself @the_david_hayter and to meet @officialtroybaker . These two have voiced characters in some of my favorite games and getting to meet them AND talk to them was amazing. I was the last in line for both of them so I got to talk to them for a decent amount of time. Troy even told me a story about one of my favorite roles of his.
878 17
1 year ago
Batman: You need to stop Jason. I gave you a chance, and you went back to killing criminals! Red Hood: You can't stop crime. That's what you never understood. I'm controlling it. You wanna rule them by fear, but what do you do with the ones who aren't afraid? I'm doing what you won't, I'm taking them out, Bruce!
111 9
3 months ago
28 feeling great, like a fine wine. Like if the fine wine's joints hurt more as it aged. That's the kind of wine I am. Anyway here's some pictures from the last year or so of being 27. Tune in next year to see what happens next! (Spoiler, I'll still be dressing up in silly outfits 😊)
57 6
1 day ago
How's it hanging?
178 10
12 days ago
Red hood pictures
64 7
14 days ago
May of 2024 with no context. Swipe for more, or don't 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm not your mom.
36 2
1 month ago
Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is. Oh ya and instagram, they're toys, not real. They're literally toys for kids that I painted. Tonight's the night for the Crow 30th anniversary in theaters! I never got to see it in theaters since it came out before I was born but I'm excited to see it in theaters for the first time. As always @pixelens._ is the man and he crushed it with this picture. I always enjoy working with him and by working with him, I mean sending silly pictures and a bunch of ideas that he turns into awesome work.
103 19
1 month ago
Sometimes I like to take a break from busting heads to read some comics. This story has been good so far. I would definitely recommend it. (Apparently instagram cropped the last image poorly but I don't care enough to repost lol.)
46 1
1 month ago
"And I say I'm dead, and I move." -Snow White
57 7
1 month ago
"I just want him" Happy 30th anniversary to The Crow! I enjoyed this movie when I first saw it but cosplaying the character of Eric Draven has made me love the movie more. Brandon Lee did a wonderful job in the movie, and I absolutely love dressing up as him/the crow.
120 38
1 month ago
RH 🦇: "I'm sooo glad your intel led us to a sewer... When we're done with them, I'm gonna kill you. Arsenal 🏹: "Trained assassins should NOT threaten to kill people." RH 🦇: "Who's threatening?" Arsenal 🏹: "See, you think it's funny, but that just sounds mean." . . . Ahhhh- This came out absolutely AMAZING!!! ✨✨ I'm so honored to be a part of this, and to work with these two amazing people!! It really means a lot to me. 🤍 . Red Hood: @admiralwikkidspork Edit by: @pixelens._ . . . #jasontodd #jasontoddcosplay #jasontoddcosplayer #jasontoddredhood #redhood #redhoodcosplay #redhoodcosplayer #batman #batfamily #batfam #batfamcosplayer #redhoodandtheoutlaws #redhoodandtheoutlawscosplay #theoutlaws #royharper #royharpercosplay #royharpercosplayer #arsenal #arsenalcosplay #arsenalcosplayer #arsenaldc #redarrow #dc #dccosplay #dccosplayer
240 34
1 month ago