AArts | Ahearne Arts


Visual Arts. Literary Arts. Performing Arts. Multidisciplinary Artistic Works. Other Arts.⠀ • • • • • • All the arts. I’ll do them all here.
Carbonara Cooking • Culinary Arts • Some lovely carbonara! This was an adventure-and-a-half to cook! I had to drive more than 30 minutes out to a small Italian shop to buy some fresh, genuine guanciale and pecorino romano. Moreover, finding the right balance and timing with the heat and eggs was certainly a challenge (one that I am still uncertain how to do). Either way, it turned out great. Only regret with this was trying to eat it all in one sitting (the portion size can feed up to four people)! • Made from scratch, Right down to the beginning, As always. • #cooking #chef #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotographer #food #instafood #cookingtime #cook #cookingfromscratch #handmade #fromscratch #withlove #carbonara
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2 years ago
Chocolate Chip Cookies with Dark Brown Sugar and Toffee Baking • Culinary Arts • Hands down, some of the best cookies I have ever tasted (may be biased on that though 😂)! These turned out so great and look so beautiful! I was also surprised how soft they were, even after being out of the oven for a few days. Only thing I was not too keen was the toffee. Thought it would be a nice addition, but I ended up disliking the texture and hardness at the end of it all! • Made from scratch, Right down to the beginning, As always. • #baking #baker #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotographer #food #instafood #bakinglove #bake #bakingfromscratch #handmade #fromscratch #withlove #cookies #toffee #darkbrownsugar #sweet #bakedsweets
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2 years ago
“Moab, Utah” Photography Fujifilm XT4 XF 16-55mm F2.8 LM WR • Visual Arts • This series was the first time I had gotten to try out my new Fujifilm camera. It was pretty exciting yet daunting because it meant learning a whole new layout of buttons, controls, and options. Moreover, landscape photography is without a doubt one of my favorite facets of photography but also the one I struggle with considerably, particularly in a place like this. I often found myself thinking here, “It’s just rocks. How can I make rocks interesting?” (Sidenote: I have lived in Arizona my entire life. I see rocks constantly!). Yet despite the negativity, doubts, and fast-paced nature of the trip, I pressed forward, taking shoots of whatever I could. When I got the editing phase and now the distribution phase, I was/am pleasantly surprised and proud of the shots I captured of these wonderful locations. Definitely a must-see for travelers! • #photography #photooftheday #photo #nature #travelphotography #naturephotography #rocks #photoshop #lightroom #lightroomedits #redrocks #moab #moabutah #utah #visualart #archesnationalpark #monumentvalley #deadhorsepoint #canyonlandsnationalpark
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2 years ago
Madeleines Baking • Culinary Arts • My best and favorite dish so far, in my opinion. I love how both easy and tasty these are! I remember making a batch of these every summer when I was a kid. And, the amount of them I can make with the batter! Oh my gosh! It’s astonishing! Honestly, when these are around, I’m in heaven! 😆 • Made from scratch, Right down to the beginning, As always. • #baking #baker #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotographer #food #instafood #bakinglove #bake #bakingfromscratch #handmade #fromscratch #withlove #madeleines #french #frenchcuisine #frenchpastry #frenchpastries
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3 years ago
Sound Exercise Digital, 1920x1080, 29.97 FPS Avid Pro Tools • Multidisciplinary Artistic Works • This is an additional assignment I did for my sound design class for honors credit. The idea was to create an original story out of only sound that I record. I’ll admit, I did it last second pretty much and ended up having to use some sound effects from the internet. Not my proudest work, but still a good turnout. • #film #filmmaking #video #videography #videoediting #videoeditor #filmshort #filmshortfilm #shortfilm #shortfilms #camera #avid #avidprotools #sound #sounddesign #soundmixer #soundexercise #design #designer
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3 years ago
Music (Vocal) • Performing Arts • This was my last performance for my singing class unfortunately. I had to learn two songs and was given the option to sing either or for class. I chose this one because I love this song and how emotionally driven it is and I thought it would be a good challenge to me thanks to its demanding high range. Overall, I am quite proud with how it turned out, especially considering how much time I had to do. Only wished I could have practiced one week more! 😂 • #sing #singing #singingcover #singingpractice #music #musician #vocal #vocals #vocalcover #jasonmraz #iwontgiveup
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3 years ago
Sound Exercise Digital, 1920x1080, 29.97 FPS Avid Pro Tools • Multidisciplinary Artistic Works • Second to last sound design assignment I did last semester. All we were given was the “dialogue” (i.e. character breathes) and music, everything else had be done from scratch. This meant creating a soundscape, matching sound effects to the character’s/environment’s actions, messing with the EQs, reverbs, other plug-ins, etc., and overall, giving life and character to the picture. Proud of the outcome. • #film #filmmaking #video #videography #videoediting #videoeditor #filmshort #filmshortfilm #shortfilm #shortfilms #camera #avid #avidprotools #sound #sounddesign #soundmixer #soundexercise #design #designer #lastflight
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3 years ago
Quiche Baking • Culinary Arts • This was the main reason why I made pie crust! I was dying to have a taste of quiche one morning (for some reason 😂). Overall, it proved to be an absolute delight to munch down on. Still need to work on the pie crust a bit (I accidentally had made it too wet), but other then that, a big success! (Now, if only I work on getting sharper/better quality photos, haha...) • Made from scratch, Right down to the beginning, As always. • #baking #baker #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotographer #food #instafood #bakinglove #bake #bakingfromscratch #handmade #fromscratch #withlove #quiche #quiché #french #egg #eggs
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3 years ago
Music/Musical Theatre (Vocal) • Performing Arts • This is the second performance I did for my singing class. This time, we had to sing a piece from a musical (i.e. musical theatre). Oh, darn, how horrible that was! Ok, if you couldn’t tell, that was sarcasm. I’m a huge musical theatre nerd! You’ll be seeing more musical theatre on here in future, I promise that! For now, enjoy a tune from one of my favorite musicals ever: Joesph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. • #sing #singing #singingcover #singingpractice #music #musician #vocal #vocals #vocalcover #andrewlloydwebber #andrewlloydwebbermusical #joesphandtheamazingtechnicolordreamcoat #musicialtheatre #theatre #theatrekid #theatrelife
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3 years ago
Video Edit Digital, 1920x1080, 29.97 FPS Adobe Premiere Pro • Multidisciplinary Artistic Works • Over the summer, I redecorated my room and was extremely proud of how it turned out. In fact, I was so gassed about it that I felt it deserved a little montage. As well, fortunately for me, I had the perfect song in mind for it to! All credit goes to @halfaliveco . I really hope they don’t mind me using their song, “creature.” 😬 • #film #filmmaking #video #videography #videoediting #videoeditor #filmshort #filmshortfilm #shortfilm #shortfilms #camera #prmierepro #design #designer #videoedits #montage #halfalive #halfaliveco #halfalivecreature
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3 years ago
Mid-Term Sound Exercise (After-Before) Digital, 1920x1080, 29.97 FPS Avid Pro Tools • Multidisciplinary Artistic Works • Another sound design assignment I did last semester (actually the mid-term). This clip comes from the Netflix Original, “Meridian”. All we had to start with was the dialogue. I did everything else which was the rain, car engine, wipers, and other effects. Overall, it turned out great, only a few minor mistakes (like the lack of a car braking sound). • #film #filmmaking #video #videography #videoediting #videoeditor #filmshort #filmshortfilm #shortfilm #shortfilms #camera #avid #avidprotools #sound #sounddesign #soundmixer #soundexercise #design #designer #meridian
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3 years ago
Pumpkin Pie Baking • Culinary Arts • Another baked good I made this past semester. I had another can of pumpkin puree (a miscalculation I had made with the pumpkin bread) and had some extra pie crust dough, so it only made sense to do this! Only problem I found really was just the lighting I was working with. Artificial lighting just does not do food justice! Also, the whip cream was store bought rather than handmade which was an oversight of mine unfortunately. 😔 • Made from scratch, Right down to the beginning, As always. • #baking #baker #foodphotography #foodphoto #foodphotographer #food #instafood #bakinglove #bake #bakingfromscratch #handmade #fromscratch #withlove #pumpkin #pie #pumpkinpie
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3 years ago