

19 years ago @_jennings_c and I invited our friends and families to dress up in itchy clothes on a hot June afternoon in Alabama to watch us confess our love and make out a little bit. ❤️
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15 days ago
Thoughts on being a dad for thirteen years in no particular order: Damn, 13? Like, already?? Was he serious or is he still figuring out sarcasm? The work of parenting is exhausting. Was I like this? Surely not..oh, I should call my parents and apologize. Damn I’m proud.
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19 days ago
Another recital season draws to a close, and I’m again reminded how impressive all these people continue to be!
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1 month ago
Any mycologists out there able to identify this on? Growing in open yard in the grass with another smaller one nearby. Tough stem, with yellow furry outer texture. Cap is orangish with some mottling. No odor. Tastes like chestnuts and the unfathomable expanse of vastness in our universe.
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1 month ago
This week we close the chapter on Haskey Walker Allison. The story continues, but we’re not really sure where the other characters go from here. She was a friend if you met her, as generous a person as I’ve ever met, a surrogate mother to many, and one of the few people who could match my sarcastic streak toe to toe. To say we’ll all miss her doesn’t come close. It seems disrespectful that the world continues to turn without her in it. Today I listened to birds singing their spring songs in disbelief. Where is their reverence? Don’t they know there’s an irreplaceable hole in the world? Like a scar closing over a wound, we will not hurt so bad one day, but never feel the same. So, take a moment of quiet thought, send out your prayers, raise a toast, laugh, or cry, to the memory of a wonderful person I was lucky to know.
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2 months ago
Day 7: Homeward Bound
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3 months ago
we can’t stop here..this is bat country..
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3 months ago
Day 5: Gawkin’ at the extravagance.
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3 months ago
Day 4: Lookin’ at shapes.
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3 months ago