

OMG- Oye, mi mejor amiga la "NASH" me debe unos lentes de sol desde el 2004,🙏¿La has visto?😎😂[Alex-G🇬🇹]®Hola NASLY VARGAS👋¿Y el tostado?, escribíme DM
"And still, you continue killing them, not giving shelter to them, eating them, leaving them to death, unhealing them, forcing them to fight, sacrificing them, treating them bad, and leaving them to starvation??????"…🥺
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9 months ago
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1 year ago
"2 of the best electronic tunes ever in their original versions and with female vocals "NATUNE" delight and bring love in any country where listened to. In honor to "NATUNE", mix of "Bring Me Back To Life" and "Trust And Love", [Alex-G🇬🇹]®United🇩🇪By🇩🇪 Trance®2022"
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1 year ago
S💗y💗P [Umg04] by[Alex-G]🇬🇹®United🇩🇪By🇩🇪Trance®
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1 year ago
Our beloved Carla Werner - @carla_werner_music never thought of the longevity her song "Southern Sun" would acquire throughout the years and this 2022 we celebrate the melody of an angel the song is. "Things in mind last short but things in heart...FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". We l💖ve you friend. Voice/Music: Carla Werner & Paul Oakenfold - Art Idea/Creativity/Editing: [Alex-G🇬🇹]®United🇳🇿By🇩🇪Trance®
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1 year ago
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2 years ago
🧡PA💜LA💛GALINA💚MEXIC💟💙 Una mujer muy detallista y vívida. Es extremadamente entretenida e interesante. Es un placer y honor tenerla aquí en la tierra. A very detailist and vivid woman. She is extremely entertaining and interesting. It is a pleasure and honor to have her here on earth. Una donna molto dettagliata e vivace. È estremamente divertente e interessante. È un piacere e un onore averla qui sulla terra.
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2 years ago
The best day of human history and the day that even the flowers cried. After that, Conegliano learned perfection from Novara. In life, there is always a master to show us the way. Novara, eternal master. El mejor día de la historia humana y el día en el que hasta las flores llorarón. Después de eso, Conegliano aprendió la perfección del Novara. En la vida, hay siempre un maestro para enseñarnos el camino. Novara, eterno maestro. Il giorno più bello della storia umana e il giorno in cui anche i fiori hanno pianto. In seguito Conegliano imparò la perfezione dal Novara. Nella vita c'è sempre un maestro che ci mostra la strada. Novara, eterna maestra.
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2 years ago
The day NOVARA, open a portal in the future to return to the past, going through it by watching and remembering it for whenever wanting to be CHAMPIONS and GODDESSES of this earth AGAIN. Let's watch and remember, to go to the past and change the future...BELIEVE!. El día que el NOVARA, abrió un portal en el futuro para volver al pasado, atravesándolo al observarlo y recordarlo para cuando quieran volver a ser CAMPEONAS y DIOSAS de esta tierra OTRA VEZ. Vamos a mirar y recordar, para ir al pasado y cambiar el futuro...CRÉE!. Il giorno in cui NOVARA ha aperto un portale nel futuro per tornare al passato, attraversandolo osservandolo e ricordandolo per quando vorranno essere ANCORA CAMPIONI e DEE di questa terra. Guardiamo e ricordiamo, per andare al passato e cambiare il futuro... CREDERE!.
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2 years ago
"When you share love, even the ones that could kill you give it back. "Love, is the number 1 proof of respect". [Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@ "Cuando compartes amor, hasta los que podrían matarte lo regresan. El amor, es la prueba número 1 de respeto".[Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@ "Quando condividi l'amore, anche quelli che potrebbero ucciderti restituiscilo. L'amore, è la prova di rispetto numero 1". [Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@
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2 years ago
"Your superiority instinct activates when the thirst for becoming the leader, doesn't get quenched". [Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@ "Tu instinto de superioridad se activa cuando la sed por volverse el líder, no se satisface". [Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@ "Il tuo istinto di superiorità si attiva quando la sete per diventare il capo, non si placa". [Alex-G]®UnitedByTrance@
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2 years ago
Education is the formal dress to attend the party of life. L'educazione è l'abito di gala per partecipare alla festa della vita.
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2 years ago