Alice Young | Weight Loss & Food Mindset Coach | Fat Loss Tips


🧠Psychologist who’s helped 100s of women lose 10KG+ for life using our unique CBT Mindset Method 📲DM “10KG” for info 👇🏼DROP 10KG+ FOR LIFE👇🏼
An overview of the 1:1 coaching service 🔥 I'm Alice, a Psychologist and fitness fanatic and I help women drop 10KG+ 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 I use my unique 𝐂𝐁𝐓 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝 to help change your unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, which will give you lifelong weight loss and confidence 🤯 This is for you if you want to ✅ Lose weight WHILST creating a lasting lifestyle change ✅ Feel your most confident self ✅ Learn how to manage social occasions whilst still losing weight ✅ Be held accountable daily, so you can’t fail However, this is NOT for you if you’re: ❌ Wanting a quick fix ❌ Looking for a cookie cutter program ❌ Not ready to commit to this 100% and aren’t able/ready to give this your everything To apply: tap the link in my bio or DM me ‘COACHING’
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2 months ago
A quick snapshot into some of our incredible clients achieving incredible things 🚀 1️⃣ Laura: from lower than rock bottom body confidence ➡️ to dropping THREE dress sizes in 5 months & sky rocketing her body confidence 2️⃣ Ella: from rock bottom body confidence & constantly feeling self conscious to the point it was mentally draining her, to hitting her GOAL WEIGHT & absolutely crushing a confidence photoshoot 👸🏼 3️⃣ Jess: from not recognising herself in the mirror & being stuck in a rut ➡️ to feeling content, zen and smashing a photoshoot 🙌🏼 4️⃣ Gemma: from hiding in baggy t shirts, covering up in maxi dresses in the boiling heat on holiday & feeling the ‘biggest’ in her friend group ➡️ to being confident crush a photoshoot 👸🏼 5️⃣ Bryony: from struggling big time with confidence, body image, negative self talk & berating herself ➡️ to achieving a fantastic body composition result but an even more incredible mindset transformation- confidence & self talk in a MUCH better spot 6️⃣ Danielle: from super low body image & stuck in a constant yoyo diet cycle ➡️ to escaping the cycle for good and feeling CONFIDENT in her bikinis ✨ 7️⃣ Emily: from struggling with her weight for YEARS, emotional eating & feeling frustrated she couldn’t be one of ‘those’ people who eats healthily and exercises ➡️ to becoming one of ’those’ people who eats healthy & exercises 😍 plus losing 4 stone 🙌🏼 8️⃣ Abbi: from struggling with fad diets, bingeing, & super low body confidence ➡️ to feeling like a confident boss babe in that killer white dress & escaping the fad diet cycle for good 9️⃣ Lauren: from struggling with comfort binge eating & in a restrictive dieting cycle ➡️ to losing 2 stone in 4 months, overcoming & bingeing AND feeling amazing in her body 🔟 Alison: from lacking confidence and having an all or nothing mindset with food ➡️ to losing 30kg and feeling GREAT before going on holiday this year If you want to learn more about how the 121 coaching could work for you, DM me “10KG”
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5 days ago
Comment “MINDFUL” for the free mindful eating guide 👇🏼
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4 months ago
This is how I stopped stress eating 👆🏼 At its core, stress eating is a habit that needs to be broken BUT with the right tools and strategies it can be overcome ✅ This is one of my FAVOURITE ways to break the stress eating habit I reckon it will work well for you too And if you did want to know a little more about me… I’m a psychologist and weight loss coach, on a mission to show women how to transform their lifestyle and mindset so they can get healthy and lose weight for life Go pop me a follow if that sounds like it could be helpful for you!
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3 hours ago
The time is now… ⏰ If you’ve ever found yourself hiding under baggy clothes during the summer heat or wished you could wear shorts but felt too self-conscious You’re not alone It SUCKS feel that low in confidence But I REALLY don’t want to make this common mistake so many women on a weight loss journey make Going on a ‘panic diet’ after a holiday because of how rubbish you felt Trying to lose as much weight as quickly as possible to get yourself feeling better, but it just feeds into that never-ending dieting cycle Trust me, next summer all you have to show is lower self-confidence and a damaged relationship with food 🫠 Imagine this: By next summer, you feel 100x happier and healthier 😍 You’ve built a mindset and lifestyle that maintains this level of confidence and health for many summers to come 🤯 BUT it starts with putting in the groundwork ɴᴏᴡ Picture yourself strolling on the beach, wearing the shorts or bikini you’ve always wanted to You’re not feeling self-conscious AT ALL - you feel amazing inside and out Instead of hiding behind a towel, you’re happily taking photos with loved ones, creating memories 📸 Just think about how freeing it would be to no longer worry about covering up or comparing yourself You just enjoy the holiday without your weight constantly niggling at the back of your mind Barbecues, beach days, park picnics – all enjoyed fully because you feel good about yourself 🫶🏼 Listen, this transformation is not just about losing weight It’s about gaining a balanced perspective, new confidence, and a lifestyle that keeps you exactly where you want to be every summer It’s about shedding ALL that self-doubt and stepping into a version of yourself that you love and are proud of If all of that resonates with you and sounds like where you want to be, please ditch the ‘panic diet’ 🙏🏼 Take action for future you She deserves you putting in the work now so she can fully enjoy every summer feeling happy and healthy If you’re ready to take the first steps to make that change, I’d love to chat with you Send me a message with ‘SUMMER’ and we’ll map out how we’re going to get you feeling incredible for the next one
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11 hours ago
@kimssmith_ has been there with low body image Hating getting dressed for occasions as she felt uncomfortable in everything Wanting to cancel plans so she didn’t have to try & find something to wear Wondering how she’d let herself get to the point where she felt so unhappy with her body She desperately wanted to lose weight so she could feel comfortable & happy in her skin But she couldn’t get there herself Maybe you can relate Kim: ⚪️ Was struggling to stick with anything consistently ⚪️ Had no idea how many calories she should be eating, what foods to be eating to keep her full or what exercise to do to achieve her goals ⚪️ Has a SUPER active social life, which she never knew how to balance with weight loss Those struggles are now just a distant memory for Kim She’s completed her coaching journey and is now flying solo 🦅 She lost about a stone and a half throughout the process But, most importantly, this is something she is going to be able to keep up long term She’s now in a super consistent food and exercise routine 💪🏼 Her confidence is WAY UP compared to how she was feeling in the left photo And she can manage her social events like a pro 😎 Kim goes out for food/drinks at least 2-3x each week And that stayed the same throughout the WHOLE process as her social life was super important to her and not something she wanted to sacrifice What have we actually done to get Kim here? We took her through the 3 Phases of ALY Coaching, specifically designed to make this change last for good Phase 1 & 2 are all about building & solidifying the habits & mindset that will make this a lifestyle change We utilise our: 🧠Unique CBT Mindset Method & 🍫Flexi Food Framework to aid the habit building and mindset transformation process, without the need for calorie counting or deprivation Kim then moved into Phase 3, which was all about setting her up to do this alone and never go back to where she was before There’s nothing different about you & Kim She had the same struggles you do now The only difference is she took action & committed 100% to this journey If you feel ready to take action and commit, just like Kim, DM me “👋🏼” & we’ll chat
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1 day ago
Here’s your next full body workout 💪🏼 1️⃣ Barbell RDL: 3 sets x 8-12 reps 2️⃣ Pull ups (can do assisted): 3 sets x AMRAP (as many reps as possible) 3️⃣ DB shoulder press: 2 sets x 10-15 reps SUPERSET with DB single arm row: 2 sets x 10-15 reps 4️⃣DB shoulder press: 2 sets x 8-12 reps SUPERSET with DB bicep curl: 2 sets x 15-20 reps Hit save so you know what to do in your next workout 📲
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1 day ago
Here’s 3 things I did to help these clients lose over 10kg each Implement these 3 tips and you’re going to be flying with your weight loss 🚀 P.S. comment ‘CALORIES’ if you want the guide that shows you how to lose weight without calorie counting
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2 days ago
Overrated vs Underrated.. Weight loss edition 👀 1️⃣ Protein 2️⃣ Exercise 3️⃣ Mindset In case you wanted to know a bit more about me… I’m a weight loss coach and psychologist 🧠 I help women to not only lose weight, but transform their mindset and lifestyle so they can feel the best, healthiest version of themselves and keep it for life If that sounds like a bit of you, go pop me a follow 🫶🏼
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3 days ago
MESSAGE ME ‘LIFELONG’ IF YOU MEET THIS CRITERIA 👇🏼 You want to… ✅ Lose weight with a realistic plan ✅ Build lifelong habits to sustain it ✅ Feel happy, comfortable, and confident in your body ✅Be held accountable daily so you don’t fail Not only will we utilise our unique CBT Mindset Method 🧠to transform your mindset (btw this method completely separates this process from being just another ‘diet’) But we’ll also use our Flexi Food Framework🍫to building lasting and balanced nutrition habits WITHOUT deprivation, restriction or calorie counting You’ll also be coached through our 3-Phase System to long term health and fitness success Phase 1️⃣: Develop Phase 2️⃣: Flourish Phase 3️⃣: Lifestyle These phases are designed to build a foundation made up of a strong mindset and helpful food/exercise habits… …which will be consolidated until healthy, balanced eating, exercise and a strong mindset is a normal part of everyday life The thing we care most about is helping and supporting you to a HIGH standard plus efficiently getting you to your desired result For this reason, we are very selective who we take onboard That said, please do NOT apply if you are: ❌Wanting a quick fix We get results as quickly and as efficiently as possible without the process becoming unsustainable and extreme ❌Not wanting to make a significant financial investment into your health and fitness This is a premium coaching service that utilises very close 1:1 support to create a completely bespoke experience for each client All our coaches are trained and experienced in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy methods This is reflected in the pricing ❌Not wanting or ready to give 100% to the process We only want women who are ready/able to fully commit and give this their all If you ARE ready to commit to finally achieving your health and fitness goals PLUS transform your lifestyle and mindset 𝘚𝘞𝘐𝘗𝘌 𝘛𝘖 𝘚𝘌𝘌 𝘚𝘖𝘔𝘌 𝘖𝘍 𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘈𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘞𝘖𝘔𝘌𝘕 ➡️ Send me a direct message with ‘LIFELONG’ and we’ll chat about making it happen
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3 days ago
Some snippets from the week 📸 🗓️ 1, 2, 3: Super chilled Saturday with @johna255 4: Went to Bills and got my current fave salad - the vegan feta Santorini salad 😋 not often I just order a salad when I’m order but I was so in the mood for something light and summery 5. Cleo feeling the heat this week 🥵 6. Got the nails did 💅🏼 7. Been LOVING my meal prep choice this week - been signed up to a meal prep subscription for a while now and honestly it just makes life so much easier 🤣 8. Handstand practice going strong 💪🏼
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4 days ago
When the scales have SUCH an emotional hold over you, it can make you feel Disheartened Like a failure Like you want to throw in the towel with your weight loss The is that you have basically no control over that little number So it’s not productive to have such a strong emotional reaction to it (either negative or positive 🧐 ) Give the reframe a go in this reel if you struggle with your mindset towards the scales In case you don’t know who I am… I’m a weight loss coach & psychologist and I help women lose weight for life by transforming their lifestyle and mindset 🧠 If you like the sound of that, I’d go give me a follow 😉
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4 days ago