Alicia Jin


See and respect each others’ humanity. 💛 Associate choreographer & performer. Currently Boa @wicked_musical
We had our first Broadway Bares rehearsal today, and I’m so so glad that my dear friend @sillybillygriffin asked me to join him in the room with such an awesome group of humans!! Hearing everyone talk today about what an amazing organization @bcefa is and feeling what the show and this community means were incredibly inspiring. This year, I’m fundraising for the first time! (I’m not performing; wearing my associate hat again! 💛) Donations help provide healthy meals, medication, health care, and support to people across the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C. affected by HIV/AIDS, Covid-19, and other life-threatening illnesses. This organization provides support in so many ways. Visit or @bcefa to learn more or to see other fundraising events and ways to donate. If you are able to support at this moment, you can donate via the link in my bio! I know it can feel it, but truly no donation is too small — every donation makes an impact. Thank you so much for checking out this amazing organization. 💛 📸: Photo by @jamesjinimages
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28 days ago
Love me some @charliesutton_choreography grooves. Thank you, my friend, for a great class! 😍💛 Choreo: @charliesutton_choreography 💃🏼 I’m extremely passionate (as both an associate and a performer) about building a community of artists who practice letting themselves be seen; I think that’s how we create beautiful, impactful art. A key to doing that is recognizing that we all struggle with letting others see us at times. This was my first class back from injury since October, and I felt so many emotions. I was excited to see friends, looking forward to playing & dancing differently than I do onstage each night. But I was equally nervous, navigating moving in new ways and fearful I wouldn’t be able to dance the same as before. The stories that get in the way of letting myself be seen were STRONG. And in my dancing here I can see that. I see that fear, but I also see courage. I see me challenging myself to not shrink (and failing in moments). I see me making choices to better suit my ongoing recovery, meeting myself where I was at that day. I see me trusting my body and the new strength I’ve been building, which can be so scary after injury. The stories — the fear that my dancing has changed, that my body has different strengths and weaknesses now and what others might think — were strong. But so was my courage in leaning into fear. And doing that in a room led by a dear friend who reminded me that I am welcome and valued in that room regardless of where I’m at — physically, mentally, or emotionally — was something really special. Letting ourselves be seen when we’re not at our 100% is practicing courage. And we’re lucky for those who celebrate that courage and make spaces in which to practice it. So if you find yourself shrinking or judging yourself in your dancing, I want to share a reminder that you’re not alone. I think we all do this. But I think the journey of being an artist is letting others see you — even as you navigate the stories that get in the way of letting yourself be fully seen. I’m celebrating you wherever you’re at in that journey today and reminding you wherever that is is beautiful. 💛
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3 months ago
This human is the best partner I could ever ask for. @jamesjinimages thank you for being by my side and always encouraging me to be the best, most expansive version of myself, and for going all the way to 27th street the morning of the show so I could have the best bagels in NY for breakfast! @nycbch for life! 🥯😂🥰 I love doing life with you! Thanks for being by my side last night as we celebrated @wicked_musical and Wicked 20! I love you so much! 💛
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8 months ago
Happy 20th @wicked_musical ! This show has brought such incredible humans and beautiful friendships into my life and for that I’m forever thankful. It has taught me what using my voice and leading with courage & compassion look like and challenges me to continue practicing and growing that skill as best I can, an ongoing process of learning. It allows me to dance everyday, a gift that I refuse to take for granted, and to do so alongside beautiful, kind, incredible artists and humans. 💚 This story is timeless; it’s why the show has run for 20 years. It calls us to be brave, to lead with integrity, to challenge dehumanization and fear mongering when we see them. These are forces that continue to be very much present in the world we live in, used by people to attempt to strip certain groups of their humanity and rights. Each day I hope that this story of brains, heart, and courage makes at least one audience member think a little more intentionally about how the story of Wicked connects to the world around us and empowers them to be a little more courageous in advocating for good without diminishing the humanity of others. That’s why I tell this story. So today I celebrate this necessary story and the ability it has to change hearts and minds. I always hope to use my art to help create spaces where humans are seen and celebrated in their wholeness, and this story carves a little space for that in the world. But most of all, I celebrate the absolutely beautiful humans and incredible friendships it has brought into my life through both the Munchkinland and Broadway companies; I’m truly changed for good thanks to all of you. #wicked20 📸: Photo by @chadkrausphoto
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8 months ago
Got to say Good Morning America with these Ozians this week live from Times Square to celebrate 20 years of Wicked !!! 💚🥹 Feeling quite lucky to be a part of the 20th anniversary Broadway cast with these wonderful humans. #wicked20 Also have to say thank you to my incredible husband @jamesjinimages for being the best partner and coming out to cheer us on so early in the morning! And for always cheering me on in all I do. I love you! 💛
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8 months ago
Feeling nostalgic reflecting on all Wicked has brought into my life, so here are some Wicked memories from years past. 💚 1. Signing in for my Wicked debut with the national touring company in July 2019 - video and enthusiastic support by @jennafernewberry 😘 2. Blurry Shiz joy from my put-in. 3. Performing at the Fox Theatre Atlanta where we saw Wicked as kids with my dear Jack @jackieraye_ 4. My dearest family and the Oz head 5. Found my best friend @itsmebrandons 6. Tour in Appleton! My tour onstage rock, my partner @justinwirick88 and 100 performances post-remounting! 7. My boys, my heart, my family @mattydoesntinsta @aricha3 8. Joining the Broadway company at the Gershwin 9. Broadway put-in with my rehearsal partner in crime @thatched44 10. Surrounded by support for my Broadway debut 💛
828 23
8 months ago
Back in the Boa! 💚 Looking forward to being back in the Emerald City tonight with my fellow Ozians! @wicked_musical
615 14
10 months ago
Leaving PCLO with a full heart. 💫 This was my first time as associate choreographer & swing for a full musical, my second time as DC. I have dreamt for years of being a full-time associate choreographer & swing. It’s where my heart lives, and the space I hope to land fully one day. As such, Great Comet felt large & expansive in an exciting & scary way. The imposter syndrome was powerful. I remember running a rehearsal day 1 and hearing my voice shake. Feeling overwhelmed at the scale of our show and timeline, the responsibility of wearing 3 hats at once. But I also remember rising. Talking to @jamesjinimages , I remember saying that the level of talent, focus & intention was so powerful & present in every artist and creative that it forced you to rise. I had no other choice. Each person in that room inspired me to step into a new space as an artist & associate. Doing new things/stepping fully into things that scare us is daunting. We are guaranteed to make mistakes; there are always things I wish I’d done differently. But when we allow ourselves to do scary new things & make mistakes & learn from them, we rise. We are capable of SO much more than we believe. I hope we stop holding ourselves back from big, scary things for fear. This world is a better space when we step into our power and celebrate others shining too. So if there’s something scary holding you back, I want to say I KNOW you can do whatever that big, exciting, scary thing is. Thank you @donteekiehn , @charliesutton_choreography , & @chriskdc_ for being THE dream team. Thank you Dontee for your kindness & the incredible space you create. Thank you Charlie for being the best boss; for lifting me up & trusting me to lead alongside you from the moment I said that’s where my heart was. For leading with kindness & trusting I would rise before I knew it myself. Thank you to every artist who greeted me with patience & trust each day. The level of talent & intention in the room was astounding. You all inspire me. Here’s to all of us doing big scary exciting things more often and inspiring each other to rise. 💛 (Not much time for pics, but shoutout to these stellar swings who kept us going!!)
581 35
10 months ago
This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. My brain is full of words and counts and chaos and joy and table moves and doors and steps and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so many things all at once. The two words swirling in my brain the most are pride and gratitude. Pride for this incredible group of artists and humans who came together to create this massive, stunning, beast of a show in ONE WEEK. Pride for the way they have showed up for each other. Gratitude to have gotten to watch and learn from our incredible leaders @donteekiehn and @charliesutton_choreography , and @chriskdc_ too of course, for months as they crafted such a beautiful, intentional vision for this story and brought it to life with the @pittsburghclo team. I will have more words later, but tonight I need to wrap words around the immense love and respect I have for @charliesutton_choreography . Charlie, you have lifted me up since I spoke to you about wanting to associate. You built a beast of show this week and all the while held space for me with love, patience, and support — guiding me through a process that was new to me on such a grand scale while still wholeheartedly trusting me to be able to lead alongside you without doubt or hesitation. This whole process and watching you lead a room has brought me such life and joy and IMMENSE pride, and I have learned so much. There really aren’t words that encapsulate how much it means to me that you believe in me and trusted me with this. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for what this has all meant to me. I am indescribably honored that you trusted me with your vision and your movement. I believe in you so wholeheartedly and couldn’t be more proud of you, my friend, and what you have created for this beautiful show. You are a force and I can’t wait to cheer you on in all you continue to do. (And to hang out back home when I don’t interrupt our all of our conversations with reminders and questions and show notes. 🤣) Congratulations, I love you my friend. 💛🥹✨💫 🥰
610 24
10 months ago
@charliesutton_choreography moves bring me so much joy!!! His moves are IT & he creates such a beautiful, supportive room. I’ll dance your choreo literally anytime, my friend. 💛 Choreo 💃🏼: @charliesutton_choreography Music 🎼 : “On the Right Track” — Pippin Love dancing alongside the wonderful @ashleytalluto and @gittlegram and these other beautiful dancers! 💛 Please say hi so I can tag you! And come get in his class! Monday/Wednesdays 1:15-2:45 @stepsonbroadway !
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11 months ago
Happy birthday to this incredible soul I get to call my husband. I love calling you my partner and I really am the luckiest that we get to grow, expand, and dream alongside each other. It’s been a year of change, but I continue to be awed by your courage and support, the person you are & the person you continue to become. I’m so proud of you always. Thank you for choosing me, my love. I love you oh so much @jamesjinimages . 💛 Happy birthday!!!
225 6
1 year ago
Spent the morning in this space for my last time as @jamesjinimages prepares to move out of this studio space and onto the next adventure. I have a lot of feelings. I’m remembering all our moments in this space, and I’m excited for this next chapter for us and to build new memories in our new home. I’m proud of both of us and of what we’ve accomplished and built in our time in this space, and excited to brave new challenges and adventures in both of our work. I’m proud of @jamesjinimages and all he has done for dancers and our community and helping people, myself included, see the beauty in all they have to offer the world when they own that power. And I’m afraid and unsteady in all the uncertainty that naturally comes with any kind of change, good or bad. But as James helped remind me this morning in our final mini process together in this space, I think that fear and stomach-dropping uncertainty always comes along with us as we’re challenging ourselves to grow, to expand into new spaces and opportunities, to let ourselves fully BE. So I’m learning to be thankful for the fear. But mostly I’m feeling excited for what’s to come, and lucky I get to do this with him by my side. Love you, @jamesjinimages and congratulations, you did it!!! 💛
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1 year ago