Allie Marie Evans


AME Founder @byllieco 💌
A few highlights from our co-founder @alliemarieevans ’s testimony during the California State Senate hearing for Assembly Bill 82 yesterday! As a sister and advocate for a loved one with an eating disorder yesterday’s hearing was deeply personal to me. Protecting California’s kids and families from experiencing this mental and physical health epidemic is one of my top goals and I am happy to lend my voice and platform to make the protections we so desperately need a reality. I would like to thank the Harvard school of public health @harvardstriped program for asking me to come testify. The work and resources that this public health incubator provides is inspiring. I also have to recognize Assembly Member @asmakilahweber for her leadership on this bill and unwavering commitment to protecting California kids. Lastly thank you to the Senate Health Committee members who voted in Support of AB82 yesterday, officially passing it on to the Senate Judiciary Committee. I look forward to seeing this bill cross the finish line. To my muse & little sister Byllie I am proud to be your sister and I will always do everything in my power to protect you. X AME
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27 days ago
I could not be more honored to be in D.C. advocating for The Kids Online Safety Act and to have the opportunity to share my story with members of Congress tomorrow. When social platforms are left unregulated social media becomes a very dangerous place for our youth. The brilliant minds behind these platforms are more than capable of creating the infrastructure and safeguards needed to protect minors from extreme and harmful content in all of its many forms. They simply choose not to placing profit over protection time and time again. Which is why I am here supporting the incredible work of @senblumenthal and so many others, who know that we must hold platforms like Instagram and TikTok accountable for the role that they play in harming our kids mental health, physical well being, and most importantly their safety. Please join me in using your voice to advocate for the #KOSA because you are the only safeguard for so many children.
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1 month ago
I genuinely want to know how you keep your relationship with social media a healthy one? I’ve spent the past few months diving deep into how social media has affected my life. There is not question that it has played a huge role in how I view myself and the world. I can’t help but wonder who I would be and how I would see the world if it had never existed. But here we are in the digital age having to find a way to stay connected while still staying connected to ourselves.
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3 months ago
A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of testifying in the state capital with @harvardstriped to help pass Assembly Bill 82. Though sharing my story and my sister’s experience brought up a lot of fear for me, I knew it had to be done to help protect other kids. This week AB-82 will go in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and I would like to call on all of the Senate Judiciary members to place protection over profit by voting to pass AB-82. Californians please consider amplifying this important legislation by reaching out to your lawmakers to urge them to support AB-82. California’s kids deserve better and our collective voices can help make that a reality.
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9 days ago
A closer look into the world of @byllieco ! I’m so proud of what I’m building with @vivian.aimee and when we were conceptualizing names for this endeavor we kept coming back to BYLLIE. Seeing the world through my sister’s eyes has shaped this chapter of my 20’s in a way I never could have expected. To realize that love can be in all that we do and that it is the cure to all pain and problems. Love is not something that you give nor is it something that you receive but when expressed in its purest form it’s simply what you are. I want that expression to be transmuted through business because I’d like to believe that helping people and bringing value to people’s lives is what business should be about.
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1 month ago
Not a book in sight if it wasn’t for @woahitsnatalie ! The better question is did anyone even read the book? The answer is often…no… hence our adorable book club bags which you can custom order from @tk_is_sew_cool ! Who read The Idea Of You? What were your thoughts on the movie because we have a lot and I need to know. #theideaofyou #bookclub
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1 month ago
Nothing brings more joy into my life than helping people. Over the past couple years I have committed time weekly to volunteering and I’ve done so selfishly, because I always feel as if I receive more than I could ever possibly give from these experiences. Now as a small business owner it’s so important to me to carry that into our work. To love one another in all that we do gives meaning to life. I am constantly inspired by what Kelly Sawyer Patricof and Norah Weinstein have built with Baby2Baby and the impact it has had on the community. Comment below or sign up for the BYLLIE newsletter at the link in our bio to join our next volunteer day!
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1 month ago
We were so overjoyed to celebrate the launch of BYLLIE with family and friends by volunteering for the afternoon at @baby2baby ! Baby2Baby is a nonprofit that champions children living in poverty across the country providing essential items to more than ONE MILLION CHILDREN in homeless shelters, foster care, hospitals, underserved schools and children who have lost everything in the wake of disasters. We couldn’t think of a better way to kick off @byllieco ’s impact than by supporting the incredible impact that Baby2Baby makes everyday in the lives of so many families. BYLLIE ♥️’s BABY2BABY
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1 month ago
Welcome to the world of BYLLIE !! This is a project I have been quietly working on with @vivian.aimee for quite some time. Over the past 2 years I have found that my passion for people is at the center of everything that brings me joy. Advocacy and philanthropy have been two of the most important pillars in my life and I knew I wanted to bring that with me into the next chapter of my career. After spending nearly two decades getting to work with some of the biggest and most successful brands in the world it became clear to me that when done right business can be a force for good. When brands are infused with purpose they do more than sell products; they sell a feeling and in return earn the trust and loyalty of customers. When impact is in the ethos of a company they are in the business of doing good and in return feeling good. Learn more about Byllie Impact Consulting & Mission Driven Marketing at (link in bio) I am so excited for all the amazing collaborations and partnerships we have launching this summer. Stay tuned! - AME & V
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1 month ago
We all have the opportunity to use our voices and create actionable change. Being in D.C. was such an incredible reminder that this is what democracy looks like. There is no voice too small or problem too large to fix. We must take bold steps to be apart of the solution and make sure that as women we have a seat at every table. It has long been on the backs of women to be the caregivers of society. We are constantly left with the task of facing the issues that threaten our children head on. It is our birth right to use our voices as the custodians of our world and the protectors of the vulnerable. If something is important to you SPEAK UP. You don’t need to be a lawmaker or an expert to know the difference between right and wrong or to get involved with creating change one step at a time.
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1 month ago
Perfect earth day with @oakessentials at the beautiful home of @jennikayne . Perfect way to start my week with @pilates_by_amanda & a grounding exercise with @relauren . Also possibly one of the only healthy meals I have ever enjoyed and wanted more of by @organic_oren Oak Essentials is planting a tree for every order received and comment made on their earth day post. Makes my heart so happy to see Jenni and OE leading the way with sustainable clean beauty and impactful business practices. Great work ladies! 🌍 🫶🏻
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2 months ago
Merci @reformation 🐩 It was so fun to dress up in some of my favorite Ref pieces to celebrate the opening of their new Beverly Hills location. I’m ready to get rid of everything I own and dress in head to toe Reformation now. 💋
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2 months ago