Amy Dawsha Campher-Griffin


Cape Town, South Africa - Born & Raised. Chicago Living. Singer/Songwriter. Traveler. God Chaser. Wife. Mother.
Vegas 1 - 0 Amy
153 7
15 days ago
234 16
1 month ago
Just kicking it.
233 2
5 months ago
Kenya ✔️ Tanzania ✔️ Ethiopia ✔️ Rwanda ✔️
154 2
6 months ago
What a Thai-m
180 14
9 months ago
Singapore, India, Thailand, Egypt and Malaysia - to see the world while carrying my baby was one of the most incredible experiences. I completed my first mini work trip (postpartum) this week and it had me reminiscing on the last travel season. Thank you to my colleagues for checking in on me and making sure I’m good on the road. Thank you to my husband for reminding me that there’s nothing conventional about our lives & to not limit myself to an idea of normalcy. Thank you to my family for always being present whether it was me stressing out, ridiculously excited, anxious or just to make my laugh. Mostly, thank you to God for the strongest, healthiest, incredibly happy baby.
343 9
11 months ago
We’re out on the other side. Today marks 3 weeks that I’ve officially been somebody’s Mommy - with forever to go ♾️. Its been a wild ride but Im catching my breath. I’ve experienced God, my husband, my family and my community in a special way since the birth of baby Malachi & my heart is so, so full of gratitude.
369 14
1 year ago
Today’s the day we’re supposed to meet our baby .. who knows whether that will actually be today or not but what I do know is, Ive had the greatest gift alongside me for these 10 months. Joshua, you’ve been better than I could have imagined. You’ve seen me through this highly vulnerable journey, been there for me as the individual, the mom-to-be and your wife. You’ve truly SEEN me, protected my peace and never stopped working to understand where I’m at. I have experienced your love for me in a whole new way throughout these 40 weeks. The way would go out of your way to make everything easy for me, or tell me to “be safe” everytime I leave your side & the way you never missed a call I made to you (regardless of where in the world I was). You’d run out for whatever I need from Oreos to health & nursery needs - you without hesitation, always got me. As wild as our ride has been, you’ve always made it better. Every day, every month, every step of the way. Thank you, God. Ive made some bad decisions in my life but You made sure I got this one right.
345 18
1 year ago
8 days till my due date. Im not sure when you’ll come baby boy, but Mommy’s ready. I love you already. Here’s to that brain chemistry changing forever 🥂 Photographer: @chollette Make-up artist: @jas_o_mine
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1 year ago
A top 3 country for me this year, Egypt 🖤 We were hopping around the globe until we were 7 months deep 🤰🏽
231 5
1 year ago
To the greatest friend a girl could dream of. I cant BELIEVE how far this life has taken us and the pride I feel of the woman you are today makes me teary eyed. You’re so resilient, a force, a dreamer & love people with the kind of love that is honest & warm. I owe you so much for keeping me sane throughout the craziest times, making me laugh at my lowest & having my back even when I slip up. I couldn’t & never wanna see a life without you, my Sash. Happy Birthday ♥️
339 9
1 year ago
Today marks 4 Years of marriage & a lifetime to go ♾. Ive haven’t been sure of many things in my life but I’ve always been sure that you’re who I wanna do it with. & on our 4th year wedding anniversary, our hearts are extra full as our family of two is growing & we’ll be joined by baby Malachi “Chi” on 2/6/2023. I love you today & always.
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1 year ago