

💎IFBB🏆Nat 2nd 17, 19, 23🏆VIC 1st & OC 23🏆QLD 3rd 22🏆WA 3rd 16, 17🏆2nd 17🏆1st & OC 19, 22 🤝 @ascent_apparel_au @vigorgymperth 💍DF @akefitness_nutrition
Ready to take-off for the inaugural Triple-O show! It'll be a long flight.... Good thing we built some wings hey @raywalton_bbcoach Photo: @reactivestudioperth Gym: @vigorgymperth NPC Show: @ifbbproleague_tripleodynasty_ #ifbbproleague #npcworldwide #tripleodynasty #bodybuilding
3 months ago
Throwback to my off season condition... We got some big goals for 2024, time to bring it 💪🏾 @thatphotolitimages @raywalton_bbcoach #ifbbfigure #ifbbproleague #npc #bodybuilding #offseason #tripleodynasty
5 months ago
📣 Yes that’s right, the Camo collection is on SALE 💰💰💰 Ladies wearing size small leggings 🦵 and medium crops💥
1 year ago
…And that concludes Season A 🏆🏅🏅 An Overall Vic State Title which was made even sweeter by it being Master Coach Ray Walton’s 150th first place win! 💪🏾🎉 🥈And a 2nd place in Figure Novice at the IFBB ProLeague Nationals against one of the BEST line-ups we have ever seen. Truth be told, the silverware is nice but my favourite wins for the season were: 1️⃣ Having a super fun off-season, prep and competing season made possible by Ray, who implemented a range of new changes to my diet and training. 2️⃣ Seeing the improvements on my physique which included more upper body size, better overall balance and tie-in development. 3️⃣ Bringing my best package to date and feeling awesome… even during the weeks involving heavy cardio. It seems anyone these days can be a bodybuilding coach… but I can guarantee that not many, if any, are as dedicated, experienced and thorough as Ray. I couldn’t be more grateful and I’m so pumped to seeing what our 5th year together brings. P.S. 5 grains of rice is awesome 😜 #figure #ifbb #ifbbproleague #ifbbfigure #compprep #seasona P.P.S. thanks to the glam crew (tagged in photo) & the Vigor Fam for helping me look my best on the day x
1 year ago
Making the most of the carbs whilst they last. #she (d)nnigans #tRAYned #untAMYed #ifbb #shedthings #musclebuilding #leabmuscle #waterbeast
1 year ago
Monday Motivation Body Transformation is much more than how you look on the outside. What's your reason for getting fit? Video: @moments_with_melanie Coach: @raywalton_bbcoach Gym: @vigorgymperth Post Comp June 2022 #figure #gymmotivation #mondaymotivation #fitness #nutrition #transfomration #mindset
1 year ago
I Dream of a World... Where bodybuilding doesn't just mean what you can do with your physique and fitness, but how you can bring others along too... Where bodybuilding isn't just a "I once competed a couple of times", but a lifelong journey focused on improving your performance and your leadership shadow across all areas of your life... Where bodybuilding doesn't just mean a bunch of people dousing themselves in tan and stepping on stage for 2 minutes in sparkly suits, but a community that supports each other and has fun throughout all seasons! Where bodybuilding isn't just about who and what you know or where you train, but one where learning and collaboration is encouraged, you can train from anywhere and you have great mentors. P.S. You could be forgiven for thinking that I did a photoshoot with fitness models... these are just a few of my performance clients who recently underwent a transformation or competed. To celebrate their milestones and as part of a post comp / transformation transition we organised a photoshoot. The idea is to make reverse dieting easier, have a bit of fun and to help foster the right mindset into off-season. 💡 To learn more about this head over to my coaching account @akefitness_nutrition . 📣 Shout Out to the following: 💪 Ray (@raywalton_bbcoach ) for creating an awesome shed culture, approach to the sport and his mentorship 📸 MJ @thatphotolitimages for the wicked photos and for making my clients feel at ease in front of the camera. 🎇 For my awesome clients Stacey @seshannam , Rochelle @_just_rocky and Jude @noig - super grateful and so proud of you all. #bodybuilding #photoshoot #leanmuscle #compprep #transfomration #milestone #success #performance #fitness #nutrition #mindset #fatloss #musclebuilding
1 year ago
Wild Wonderings Weigh(t)ing up my next moves Stay tuned, big things are building 💪🏼 Coached by the Shed Overlord (@raywalton_bbcoach ) Photo by @thatphotolitimages #waterfalls #offseason #figurecompetitor #wellness #weightlifting #untAMYed #tRAYned #ifbb
1 year ago
Don't go chasing waterfalls... As you may stumble across a water beast that has been released back into the wild to forage for carbs during hibernation season. Be the be(a)st you can no matter the season. Coach @raywalton_bbcoach Photo @thatphotolitimages #untAMYed #tRAYned #offseason #waterbeast #bodybuilding #figure #bikini #waterfalls #carbsarelife #musclebuilding
1 year ago
THAT'S A WRAP Now that the glitter has settled - time to take one final stock of Season B before getting back down to business! Firstly, I'm super proud of the work, dedication and leadership shadow that my gorgeous clients Rochelle and Stacey have demonstrated this year. Both have improved their body shape, lean muscle and conditioning. Bringing their best and competitive packages to date. And as a bonus resulted in 6 top 3 placings over 2 competitions (including 2 x golds). Underneath, all of this however is the personal growth these ladies have had this year has been the real win. Rochelle has: 💎 Handled a challenging workload 💎 Confidently taken a leap in a new career direction 💎 Focused on honing her athletic performance smashing all sorts of PBs 💎 Practiced mastery in setting herself up for success by focusing on what she could control and protecting boundaries Stacey has: 💎 Adapted well to a different training and nutrition approach 💎 Learnt what true control is and to engage support 💎 Not only handled with grace the challenging demands of a tough career but landed a well deserved promotion And both have at all times, maintained a sense of humor, took time to enjoy the process, as well as supported each other and other competitors. Secondly, special shout out to my coach and mentor Ray. Ray welcomed the giraffe crew into the shed crew and helped organize exclusive posing workshops, training sessions and provided above and beyond support and guidance particularly in the final weeks leading into comp. We wish his team all the best tomorrow as they vie for National accolades in Sydney! And finally, thanks also to the following people and organisations who keep our sport alive: IFBBWA YNF CREATIVE BIKINIS TRACEY KAY MAKEUP VIGOR GYM
1 year ago
MONDAY MOTIVATION For those of you competing in Season B for the O'Mara Diamond Cup it's less than 3 weeks until you're on stage. The next 2 weeks in particular will likely be the toughest part of prep. There's 👉 Less food 👉 Less sleep 👉 More cardio 👉 More posing 👉 More running around as you prepare for the big day BUT this is also the perfect opportunity to flex your resilience muscle. A key way to maintain focus, and rely on sheer tenacity when you're depleted AF is to: 1. Remember your short term & long term why (for my last prep I drew on the strength of my loved ones) 2. Celebrate the wins, noting learnings and expressing gratitude 3. Focus on how you are going to celebrate the milestones and counterbalance the short term sacrifices you've made this prep. Remember, it's you against you and no matter what happens on the day you're a winner for crossing the proverbial finish line. You've got this 💪🏼 P.S. Did you know there are FREE Posing Classes held at 10am at Genesis Bentley every Sunday. I'll be there as a guest posing coach along with Master Trainer Ray, former pro athletes and experienced competitors. See you there! #posingpractice #ifbbaustralia #competitor #ifbbwa #figure #bikini #wellness #seasonb #bodybuilding #physique #athlete #icompete #shredded
1 year ago