Andile Jaden Mbele


Resident Geek | Ambivert | CEO & Co-Founder at QuStack Inc. | Software Engineer | I talk about #rockets #space #code #productivity #tech and #startups
June was a hella hectic month. I'm grateful I found the time to nicodemusly visit home for my sister's 21st birthday 🥳🎂 It was a blast and had the opportunity to spend time with family. I had missed home.
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3 days ago
I think the photographer has a crush on me 🤣
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25 days ago
Went out, hung out with with the team and had great games.
13 0
1 month ago
We crushed it again this week.
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3 months ago
Let builders build
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3 months ago
Last week was a ball of fun. Sweat equity
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3 months ago
Look at that, recorded my 100th run, super psyched
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3 months ago
It's hard, but do it anyway.
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4 months ago
As we grow Rooibos Radar.
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5 months ago
La familia ❤️
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5 months ago
Out in the woods with my favourite bug 🐛 ♥️🥰🌴 @primrose_t_magutshwa
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5 months ago