A N G I ❤️ F L E T C H E R


Mother of 4👣 Founder | CEO @mamooshco Sharing tools on how to become @hrd_2_kll ® through every season of life 💪🏻 mentally physically
|| I will share my birth story in writing ✍️ in the next post • when I say this was my dream home birth it was not because it was easy • it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done • don’t be fooled by the music • this was not a “pain free” birth • I moaned and groaned the entire way through and cried and told Arlynd I can’t do it • but we did it! My second unmedicated VBAC • my 4th baby was brought into the world with just Arlynd, our midwife @anyacasteel and our kids 🥰 we took our time • He was 9lbs 4oz and I didn’t tear because I held his head in my hand while he was crowning and breathed the toughest cold plunge breath I had practiced for years through pain • the reason I don’t have video of me pushing is because Arlynd was holding me up and he was the only one taking video 😬 I didn’t have a single vaginal exam my entire pregnancy (including labor) so I didn’t know “how many cm I was dialated” • I trusted my body even though it was a rough pregnancy • I trusted the process • and had complete confidence in what I could control 🙏🏻 (there’s plenty we cannot control) ok I’ll share more tomorrow and do a Question box soon 💙
16.1k 1,046
6 months ago
|| seasons change • it’s up to you if you grow + evolve || *more details in video
41.5k 512
1 year ago
|| my children • boys and girl, will know how to make sourdough starter from scratch, how to plant a garden and make their own soil, how to get stains out of laundry with sunshine, how to properly use a knife, how to take care of someone younger and older and how to make bone broth • They will know how to listen, have empathy, and also how to stand up for themselves and what they believe in, they will know how to make a fire, build a house, a shed, a barn, a deck, they will know how to laugh and cry and how to heal a wound • My children will know how to breathe properly and stay calm in the midst of turmoil, take care of animals and spot danger • They will know how to detox their major organs and support and nourish their bodies for optimal life expectancy • They will know how to jump start a car, change oil, utilize oxygen, have multiple streams of income and make sure they are building their team/tribe along side of them. They will know lifesaving skills alongside protection skills. Our children have love and respect for our Creator and ever single thing He created. In this family we love, we learn, we teach, we protect, we grow, we laugh, we cry, we pray, we grieve, we soothe, we build, we cultivate joy and protect peace, we mind our business, and share everything we have • we believe it is our greatest responsibility as parents to teach our children by example how to be kind and strong, do hard things and love unconditionally 🙏🏻
18.2k 754
2 years ago
|| I made these 5 yrs ago as a staple after Ocean was born if you remember #angiskitchen5 • this is the 2.0 upgraded FFL version 🤩 || RECIPE : 1 cup Almond / Cashew or Peanut butter 1 Tbsp Coconut oil 1/3 cup raw or local Honey🍯 1/3 cup ground Almond meal or Almond flour A scadoosh of Vanilla or Vanilla bean if you fancy 2 Tbsp Brewers yeast (*most important) 4 heaping scoops @hrd_2_kll Vanilla Food for Life Thick pinch of @redmondrealsalt Melt dark Chocolate + 1 Tbsp Butter Add flake salt Place in freezer for 30 min and then cut (break apart) Store in fridge This is totally delicious and safe for the entire family! It’s just the Brewers yeast (just like Beer) that will support/increase your milk supply if you are lactating 🥛
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7 days ago
// 🎧 //
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25 days ago
// Macro + Micro nutrient rich ✔️blood sugar balancing ✔️hormone supporting ✔️delicious raw smoothie 💪🏻 RECIPE = Ice Raw Milk Frozen banana @hrd_2_kll Chocolate Food for Life @hrd_2_kll Chaga Chai @hrd_2_kll Organ Complex 2 farm egg yolks Dash of cinnamon Dash of @redmondrealsalt Comment recipe for more @hrd_2_kll ideas 💪🏻
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1 month ago
// fastest 6 months of my life • Akila Leo 🦁 you have brought immeasurable joy to our lives and we love you so much!!! Thank you @alina.leksi for capturing these precious moments that fly by so fast 📷
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1 month ago
// available now 💪🏻 @hrd_2_kll + @achieveequilife Hormone + Adrenal at home Lab test • comment “recon” and get the link straight to your inbox 📥
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1 month ago
\\ @mamooshco Mens tincture is back in stock ❤️‍🔥 \\ IYKYK \\
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1 month ago
\\ When redox signaling molecules are applied to inflamed tissue, that tissue becomes less inflamed • with less inflammation there is less discomfort \\ comment “redox” to learn more if you’re interested
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1 month ago
\\ giving birth in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s has taught me that being a mother is as transformative as it gets • mothering looks different in different seasons and the best thing I’ve been able to do is forgive myself for not doing what I didn’t know at the time 🙏🏻 In the season I’m in now (mothering without a mother) I told Arlynd it feels like a bottomless pit • I am full to overflowing with feeling blessed and grateful but there is still a hole in my heart • the difference in time and experience is that I can now focus on the overflow instead of the hole • the hole will always be there …I miss my mom ….but when I focus on the overflowing abundance that comes from growth and change and wisdom, I can give myself the grace that I give so freely to others • I am mothering my 4th son almost polar opposite to how I mothered my firstborn 20 yrs ago • I didn’t know then what I know now • but if I was constantly consumed with guilt of what I didn’t know…it would be like focusing on that hole • seasons change • we adapt and grow and learn with each new season 🙌🏻 that is mothering • the dichotomy of holding tight and letting go 🫠 the most exhausting and rewarding experience in my world • Happy belated Mothers Day to all the moms doing the best they can with what they have in the season they’re in (some like me, who couldn’t even get a post out yesterday 🤣)
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1 month ago
\\ I had such immaculate plans for a gift a way this Mother’s Day albeit I’m taking my own advice and doing what I can in the season I’m in • please tag a mom who would love these gifts and leave a comment about her that lifts her up because she probably doesn’t hear it enough how good she is doing 🙏🏻💞 I will choose someone from the comments and pack this all up and send next week 💃🏼 I am so grateful for all of you who continue to encourage me through every season we’ve been through • THANK YOU 🙏🏻 \\
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1 month ago