Anthony Nolan


Saving lives through stem cells.
10 years ago today I was lying in a hospital bed waiting for my bone marrow transplant. The transplant that with out, I only had a couple more months to live. The Leukaemia had taken over my body and made its way back into my central nervous system for a second time and the chemotherapy was no longer working. The transfusion of stem cells happened that night and what should have only taken a couple of hours, ended up lasting into the next morning as my donor had eaten something we didn’t know I was allergic too. After a week of intense conditioning treatment and full body radiation to wipe out my old immune system, they weren’t sure the transfusion would be able to go ahead as the allergic reaction was severely affecting my breathing. I spent 6 weeks in hospital in almost total isolation whilst my body started accepting the donor cells and dealing with a few complications along the way. Most of this time is a total blur, as I was so weak it was spent sleeping. After 6 weeks I was finally allowed to go home, only to continue isolating and wearing a face mask on the few occasions where I had to leave the house for hospital appointments. My parents had to do the 80 minute round trip to the hospital 3 times a week just for me to have check ups with my consultant. I was finally reunited w my little brother, who I hadn’t been able to see this whole time as the BMT ward had an age restriction with kids due to a higher risk of germs. He was too big of a threat against my vulnerability. 10 years ago was the last time I was admitted to the hospital, after 5 years non-stop in and out, finally things were changing. I still have to have regular check ups w my consultant and this will continue for the rest of my life as the long term effects of Leukaemia and BMT, (especially when diagnosed so young) can be quite serious. Although from the outside, looking like this never happened, I deal with the physical and emotional aftermath of this treatment on a daily basis. 10 years ago today my family and I were given the greatest gift as the result of a selfless stranger who unknowingly gave me a second chance at life.
1 day ago
Lovely event, lovely people, great charity. In memory of @douzecoupes and organised by @louiemartin11 and . DM for details. And we’re on the look out for generous donations of car-related items for the @anthonynolancharity auction. . . . . .#douzecoupescruise #douzecoupes #wimbledontogoodwood #classiccars #charitycruise #wrcc #wackyracerscoffeeclub #wimbledonsouthsidehustle #southsidehustle #southsidehustlecarmeet #wimbledoncommon #wimbledonsouthside
2 days ago
The answer is A. Thank you @ashihq for your leadership in our field. The HLA System is a line of defense for the immune system. Matching tissues and organs of donors to patients, based on their alleles, allows for successful transplants. @nmdp_org @nmdpflorida @dr.ronjacob_nmdp @anthonynolancharity @datriworld @canadaslifeline @stichtingmatchis @chemodivas @aadp_org @caribstemcelldonors @dunklawfirm @goldgenie_uk @goldson_spine @purejamaicamedia @inspire2live @ourhealth_ourworld @musiqexpress @gabbylikestoread @cmillswrites @rkchrltn @teamviv.huiwen @steadys_barbershop @jtfoundation99 #hla #immunity #transplant #save #life
3 days ago
Virgílio, Senior Data Privacy Manager, da @anthonynolancharity , que cuida do cadastro e pesquisas no Reino Unido, fala um pouco sobre a @anthonynolancharity , cadastro de medula óssea e pesquisas com terapia celular e sobre a estratégia para ter um número bem expressivo de doadores no banco de Medula. Cadastro no Reino Unido de 16 a 55 anos. 🇬🇧 Gostou? 14ª Reunião International Donor Registry Conference e WMDA, Cape Town, South África. 🇿🇦 #globalhealthcare #equity #celltherapy #cellulartherapy #accesstohealthcare #capetown #southafrica #wmdd #redome #FlaMedula #sabmr #wmda #unitedkingdom #brasil #sbtmo
5 days ago
Non-bookish but very important post 💚 As some of you may know, I work in paediatric neuro-oncology, meaning the vast majority of my case load are brain tumours or children with other types of cancer. It has taken me a while to sign up for myself, but I've finally done it. It feels amazing to know that this could potentially make a difference to a child's life. Having seen the difference that this can make first hand, it felt important that I sign up and become part of the team. Anthony Nolan makes lifesaving matches for people with blood cancer and blood disorders. A stem cell transplant could give someone a second chance at life. If you are aged 16-30 and in the UK, you can sign up so easily with this simple cheek swab kit that you get in the post. Simply complete the online questionnaire, request your kit, follow the steps, and send this back via freepost. I'm going to leave the link to the website in my bio, where you can find out more about who can donate, how it works, and read stories of people where a stem cell donation has saved their life 💚
7 days ago
Class of 2025 🏃‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂 part of team Anthony Nolan this time!! #anthonynolan
7 days ago
Marathon Ready!! Watch to the end to see an embarrassing fall!
8 days ago
London Marathon 2025, let’s go @anthonynolancharity Back in 2005 my dad passed away with leukaemia a rare form of blood cancer, during his many treatments he received a bone marrow donation from his brother Phillip. So from a young age I’ve been aware of bone marrow and stem cell treatment, soon as I was old enough I registered with Anthony Nolan to be donor. In 2015 I was a match for somebody through Anthony Nolan and I was able to donate my stem cells to a women somewhere in the UK longer with her family and that is why I am running for Anthony Nolan so other people can experience giving other people a chance. The London marathon seems a fitting place to raise this amount of money as my dad ran the marathon back in 1991 in a time of 3 hours and 11mins I won’t be getting anywhere near that time but if you could donate that would be appreciated /pf/matty-donnelly
9 days ago
Not sure what I’m looking at. But if you’re looking for a challenge to take part in, to get healthier and raise money for an amazing charity, go to the link in the bio and sign up for the 42-day relay #anthonynolancharity #hopeineverystep #running #charity #marathon #londonmarathon
9 days ago
I think I speak for the many when I say how incredibly proud I am of @ratcliffe.james and what he achieved yesterday in memory of the beautiful Emily Wilcock 🕊️ EM27: 27 Laps of Watergrove Resevoir, 54 miles of movement, 1 incredible cause - James said he wanted to keep Emily’s fundraising legacy alive and I think it’s fair to say he went above and beyond for the amazing @anthonynolancharity 💚 What a fantastic day, thanks to everyone who made it up there and kept the spirits high, especially everyone who managed a lap with James 🏃 🏃‍♀️ There is still time to donate and play your part in making a difference to the lives of others - link in @ratcliffe.james bio for donations A feat to remember, Emily will be so proud. The question is, what’s his next challenge going to be? 🦾 21.08.2023 💛
10 days ago
day 23✅ 🔗link in bio to donate
10 days ago