Ariel Tyson


Married to @michaeletysoniv Tennessee mama to 6 boys 2 girls TikTok, YouTube, Amazon, LTK, My Books! 👇🎊
It’s been a year since we found out about her, one year ago today exactly since we told the kids 🥹. I gave Michael the “supplies” and he found out I was pregnant first, then told me when I got home, calming my fears. At just 5 months after Michael’s brain surgery, we didn’t “plan” for her, but oh the joy she brings.
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1 hour ago
Weekend in pics. Took a breather for a few days. Had to remind myself of my worth to the ones that call me wife and mom and to my Savior. One of the biggest lies I’ve been telling myself lately is that I’m boring, a very specific thought I know, but maybe you can relate. In a world filled with commercialism and constant going and doing, I crave simple. I also decided yesterday to work hard to take the word Stressed out of my vocabulary. My enneagram 3 self struggles to chill out, but this stage of life is too beautiful to miss it all running on fumes. ♥️
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2 days ago
Drop the word “Money” and I’ll send you my link to check it out! What business would you start if you could NOT FAIL?Drop your questions about kids and money below! So why do we push them toward entrepreneurship? Because we want them to pursue their passions and have a jump start on their adult lives more than we did! Michael and I started working minimum wage, then college, followed by the corporate world, and then we realized our income and passions were limited and pursued self-employment. Our kids are dreaming for the same and we’re teaching them money management through @greenlightcard It’s a debit card + money app for kids and teens! We pay them for the work they do for us and they get their own debit card and learn to manage money on their own. Parents can send instant money transfers, set chores, pay for jobs they do around the house (or social media for us ), and approve their investments. We love Greenlight and the confidence it’s giving them!!! #greenlight #greenlightpartner Paid testimonial. Tier V influencer. Compensation and additional details can be found at /influencer-details
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6 days ago
The only reason my boys were nervous about having their first sister was because all their friends told them that their sisters bossed them around. Fast forward 2 years, and they LET this tiny girl with the big personality tell them what she wants them to do for her. Girl doesn’t lack confidence. Seeing the variety of personalities in each of my kids is one of my fav things as a mom.
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8 days ago
4 months of Mikiah!! (On the day we left for camp- little sis of 8 life). She’s very attached to her mama and requires a bit less sleep than her older 7 siblings did 🤪 despite the same routine, but we’re getting there and she’s teaching me to slow down a bit. Any other mamas currently riding the sleep deprived train with me? If you are, how old is your babe and I’ll treat a few to coffee on me ♥️ She’s also rolling, giggling, and grabbing allll the things.
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13 days ago
With 6 big bros and 5 playing 3 sports each 🤪 girl’s just living her best life at the field or court, one game at a time. Who’s the unhinged sibling in your life? . . . Inspired by @jessimeeks sent to me by @michaeletysoniv because our girl TOTALLLLY fits it 🤪
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14 days ago
Come with us to summer camp @rivervalleyranch this week! We’re super close to my (Ariel’s) previous stomping grounds of Hershey, Pennsylvania! Lived there for 5 years from 8th grade-starting college. Drop an emoji with what you’d like to do with us at summer camp! It’s the 🐎 for us! Though the 🤐〰️ is a close second!
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15 days ago
The youngest 3 will be with Michael and me in a staff house, but the oldest 5 will be staying in the cabins for overnight camp. Who got to go as a kid? I’m vicariously living through these guys 😆 Levi and Zion will be roommates. And Michael is the speaker for the high school + middle school. This will be Cale’s 3rd summer camp, Gabe and Judah’s 2nd, and Levi and Zion’s 1st! Packing all of us up for it is no joke and much harder than the typical vaca. Their suits @tottinikids
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19 days ago
#ad #allegrapartner Who are my moms who bring all the things?! drop an emoji for your fav outdoor activity! I just bring all the things for Michael to carry to the ball field and build his strength. While I’m told I’m too busy, I know I’ll miss this season. We’re outside a ton right now and, like I mentioned before, a few of us have allergy issues so we’ve been thankful for @allegraotc Allergy and the Children’s Allergy that is non-drowsy and works for a full 24hrs (12 hours for children’s). It’s also the #1 Allergist Recommended Non-Drowsy Allergy Brand! * At retailers nationwide! *Among OTC oral antihistamines
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20 days ago
And now they have 2 little sisters! 😳 if I had a penny for every “her poor future dates” comments! TBH they’ll probably love tagging around with this crew! I’ve been holding on to this idea since @pattischmidt ‘s girly did it a few years ago 😭
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20 days ago
Mikiah in pics over the last couple weeks (+ a couple with big sis Mila). The 2 that are glued to my side more while our 6 boys are living their best outdoor summer life 🤪 I can’t pick which I want to put in their room in our new home. I’m already looking for themes for each kids’ room. Drop your fav themes for both boys and girls below! Mikiah’s cow sleeper @cowkidclothingcompany
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22 days ago
Here comes baby 9. I got jokes today 😜 She’s not even 4 months old y’all. It needed a permanent spot on my feed right?! 🙋🏽‍♀️ But really, just so love him and this baby wearing shirt has saved my sanity when I just need a break! She’s taken lots of naps in it. I tagged the shop ♥️
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23 days ago