Aubin Chevallay


Peintre / organisateur d'expositions #freecollaborativeglobalexhibitproject Contact / achats / commandes : MP - Evian
"This is so awesome 1", Champanges, 2/07/2024. (Merci à Catherine et Didier Lefebvre pour leur piscine !) Piscines wanted ! Les expositions autour des piscines seront regroupées dans un petit recueil. #aubinchevallay #thisissoawesome #bikinibottomaubinchevallay #freecollaborativeglobalexhibitproject #peinturecontemporaine #poolexhibition #outdoorexhibition #expositionexterieure #livredartiste #artistbook #artnow #bodyparts #bodydetails #sensual _art #bikini #bikinimodel #piscine #maillotdebain #swimsuit #swimsuitmodel #swimminpool #pool #artinstallation
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4 hours ago
"portrait d'enfant 9" C1236 1 février - 30 juin 2024 huile / toile de lin 14,2 X 17,8 cm (prix sur demande / price on request) /peinturesrecentes2.html #aubinchevallay #artnews #peinturecontemporaine #figurativeart #figurativepainting #artfiguratif #artnow #peinturepetitformat #oiloncanvaspainting #brushstrokes #portrait #littleboy #children #palestinianchildren #palestine #child #portraitdenfant 🇵🇸 #gaza #gazaunderattack
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2 days ago
S'il existe encore des gens qui offrent aux enfants des dessins pour leur anniversaire, tout n'est pas encore vraiment foutu, "Samuel avec Samuel", Sydney, Australie. Merci à Sharon et à Gina.
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3 days ago
28! Bon anniversaire @poups.nuage ! "Poups" 6 juillet 2018 huile / toile de lin 27,7 X 19,6 cm (collection particulière) ©
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4 days ago
Still available: "Tannah" (détail) 24-28 novembre 2021 huile / toile de lin sans châssis 25,8 X 19,4 cm many thanks to @tannahandrews and parents for their permission ! (Original painting available online or in my studio, price on request). © facebook/AubinChevallay #aubinchevallay #artnews #littleportrait #peinturecontemporaine #figurativeart #figurativepainting #artfiguratif #artnow #peinturepetitformat #oiloncanvaspainting #brushstrokes #beautifulkidsmodels #kidsmodelworld #petitsformats #newbeginnings #bookedityay #sunsets #travellingagain #seeingaustralia #aussiekids #enfance #childhood #tweenmodels #lakelife #tanned
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5 days ago
One of my most favorite exhibition from my project : #freecollaborativeglobalexhibitproject : "Syrian girl in Benghazi", Benghazi, Libya, November 17th 2022. With my eternal gratitude to my friend the libyan artist @isrewi , to the filmmaker @gelabi89 and to the buyer of the painting. (Signed and numbered large format prints are for sale, contact MP or #outdoorexhibition #independentexhibition #expositionindependante #expositionlibre #freeexhibition #expositionephemere #protestart #artandactivism #aubinchevallay #artnews #peinturecontemporaine #oilpainting #paintingtoday #peinturefigurative #contemporaryartwork #figurativeart #figurativepainting #artfiguratif #backportrait #portraitdedos #libye #libya🇱🇾 #libya #benghazi #rememberbenghazi #ruins #warruins #syrian #syriangirl
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7 days ago
Unfortunately no painting as planned for this project, but a set of four drawings : "Obsessions" (Millie1/2/3/4) 29 May -13 June 2024 (each 30 X 21,1 cm, for sale separately or together, price on request). Thanks to Millie Turley and Nik Pate. © #contemporarydrawing #dessincontemporain #lineart #linedrawing #drawing #dessin #sketch #workonpaper #aubinchevallay #artnews #artnow #fuckai #bodyparts #bodydetails #sensual #sensual _art #glamour #belly #peau #skin #tummy #ventre
17 2
8 days ago
Bon anniversaire @gabriellerose5106 ! La première peinture que j'ai fait d'elle : "Gabrielle" C1108 22-24 février 2021 huile / toile de lin 34,2 X 27,3 cm (collection particulière, Sydney).
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9 days ago
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9 days ago
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17 days ago