💈A U N T I E 'S💈


全預約制 / Appointment only ☎️:2876-1721 ☎️:2874-6663 English service included
不只是理髮:編織超越理髮的關係-理髮師 S1/EP.3 Welcome to Franks chop shop kyoto ! 來到 “不只是理髮” 系列劇集第三集,完成了於 Frank’s Chop Shop 日本福岡店的探訪、工作與對談後,團隊移動來到了日本古城京都,在這有著千年歷史,充滿美,與新舊文化相互融合的城市,在這裡會有怎麼樣的故事?請與我們一起期待接下來的集數! Welcome to the third episode of the ”MORE THAN A HAIRCUT“ series. After exploring, working, and chatting at Frank‘s Chop Shop in Fukuoka, Japan, our team moved to the ancient city of Kyoto. This city, with its thousand-year history, blends beauty and a mix of old and new cultures. What kind of stories will unfold here? Join us and look forward to the upcoming episodes! -—— “不只是理髮” 系列劇集 AUNTIE’S 團隊來到了日本,探訪了 Frank‘s Chop Shop 於日本的福岡、京都與沖繩的三個據點,在分別融入店裡團隊裡的一份子的一週時間內,除了實際的為當地顧客提供服務外,深入的對談與交流,探討並為彼此編織出超越理髮的關係 ”MORE THAN A HAIRCUT“ Series The AUNTIE’S team traveled to Japan to visit Frank‘s Chop Shop locations in Fukuoka, Kyoto, and Okinawa. Over the course of a week, they became part of the shop’s teams, providing services to local customers and engaging in deep conversations and exchanges. These interactions helped weave relationships that go beyond just haircuts. -—— Production - Executive producers| AUNTIE‘S. @aunties_barberngood OTI Operation Technology Inc. @otbarbersupply Producers| Willy Huang @willyhuang90 Director | 周哲民 Mickey Chou @directedbychou #AUNTIES #AuntiesBarberGood #OT #OTI #OTF #OTbarbersupply #frankschopshop #MORETHANAHAIRCUT
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7 days ago
不只是理髮:編織超越理髮的關係 - 理髮師 @3bee1994 Hiroto MORE THAN A HAIRCUT:Weaving Relationships Beyond Cuts SS1/EP.2 “不只是理髮” 系列劇集 - S1 / EP.2 理髮師 @3bee1994 Hiroto 來到 “不只是理髮” 系列劇集第二集的節目,本集內容紀錄來自 Frank’s Chop Shop 日本福岡店內理髮師 @3bee1994 Hiroto 與我們分享了他想持續精進自己,做到細緻入微,因為讓客人感受到受帥氣與神清氣爽,是他成為理髮師的原因,同時作為理髮師與每日的環境,正是他感到幸福的原因,也是持續推動它前進的熱情所在! Welcome to the second episode of the “More Than Just a Haircut” series. In this episode, we document Hiroto, a barber from Frank’s Chop Shop in Fukuoka, Japan, also known as @3bee1994 . Hiroto shares his dedication to continuously improving his skills, aiming for meticulous detail, because making clients feel stylish and refreshed is why he became a barber. The happiness he feels from being a barber in both Japan and the US is what fuels his passion and keeps him moving forward! -—— “不只是理髮” 系列劇集 AUNTIE’S 團隊來到了日本,探訪了 Frank’s Chop Shop 於日本的福岡、京都與沖繩的三個據點,在分別融入店裡團隊裡的一份子的一週時間內,除了實際的為當地顧客提供服務外,深入的對談與交流,探討並為彼此編織出超越理髮的關係 “More Than Just a Haircut” Series The AUNTIE’S team traveled to Japan to visit Frank’s Chop Shop locations in Fukuoka, Kyoto, and Okinawa. Over the course of a week, they became part of the shop’s teams, providing services to local customers and engaging in deep conversations and exchanges. These interactions helped weave relationships that go beyond just haircuts. -—— Production - Executive producers| AUNTIE’S. @aunties_barberngood OTI Operation Technology Inc. @otbarbersupply Producers| Willy Huang @willyhuang90 Director | 周哲民 Mickey Chou @directedbychou #AUNTIES #AuntiesBarberGood #OTI #OTbarbersupply #frankschopshop #MORETHANAHAIRCUT
58 2
15 days ago
不只是理髮:編織超越理髮的關係 - 理髮師 @TAKUTO_KOJ MORE THAN A HAIRCUT:Weaving Relationships Beyond Cuts SS1/EP.1 “不只是理髮” 系列劇集 - S1 / EP.1 理髮師 @TAKUTO_KOJ 在上期我們釋出的本系列節目預告中,我們提到了 AUNTIE’S 團隊來到了日本,探訪了 Frank‘s Chop Shop 於日本的福岡、京都與沖繩的三個據點,在分別融入店裡團隊裡的一份子的一週時間內,除了實際的為當地顧客提供服務外,深入的對談與交流,探討並為彼此編織出超越理髮的關係 本集內容紀錄來自 Frank’s Chop Shop 日本福岡店內理髮師 @TAKUTO_KOJ , TAKUTO 與我們分享了他想成為理髮師的原因、他的熱情所在,由理髮中所持續獲得的想法,並享受過程與環境 In the preview of our series released last issue, we mentioned that the AUNTIE‘S team traveled to Japan to visit the three locations of Frank’s Chop Shop in Fukuoka, Kyoto, and Okinawa. During the week spent as part of the shop‘s team, besides providing services to local customers, we engaged in in-depth conversations and exchanges, exploring and weaving together relationships that go beyond hairdressing. This episode features content from Frank’s Chop Shop in Fukuoka, Japan, where barber @TAKUTO_KOJ shares with us the reasons he wanted to become a barber, his passion, the insights he continues to gain from barbering, and his enjoyment of the process and environment. -—— Production - Executive producers| AUNTIE‘S. @aunties_barberngood OTI Operation Technology Inc. @otbarbersupply Producers| Willy Huang @willyhuang90 Director | 周哲民 Mickey Chou @directedbychou #AUNTIES #AuntiesBarberGood #OTI #OTbarbersupply #frankschopshop #MORETHANAHAIRCUT
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23 days ago
不只是理髮:編織超越理髮的關係 - 第一季 預告 . MORE THEN A HAIRCUT:Weaving Relationships Beyond Cuts SEASON 1 - Trailer “不只是理髮” 系列劇集 - 第一季 預告 AUNTIE’S 團隊來到了日本,探訪了 Frank’s Chop Shop 於日本的福岡、京都與沖繩的三個據點,在分別融入店裡團隊裡的一份子的一週時間內,除了實際的為當地顧客提供服務外,深入的對談與交流,探討並為彼此編織出超越理髮的關係 現在請先讓我們一起觀看屬於 AUNTIE’S 本次旅程的回憶片段,此外,也請期待接下來將持續釋出的系列節目! —— 不只是理髮的構思與發展 - 人生就是一個不斷發散與收斂的過程追求與目標,也會逐漸隨著時間而有所改變 十年也足以讓一位年輕小伙成為一個更為穩重的男人原先向外擴散的炙焰也轉而成為向內安靜燃燒的爐火不再那麼刺眼燙手,卻依然濃鬱強烈的奔騰著 比起過往,技術與服務早已是深入肌肉裡的記憶 而接下來該做些什麼,卻是這條路走了超過十年後無比清晰的疑問 那是一切想法的起源,而也因此產生了這次的旅程 技術已經不再是重點,而是回到最重要的人與人的關係 每個起心動念往往很簡單,但實行的過程卻讓其變得複雜 霎那間十幾年前畫面回到那寒冷的紐約曼哈頓下東區 在 Frank’s Chop Shop 店裡,那當初的激情再次無比生動與清晰 重新拜訪自己最初的理念,再次藉由理髮與自己對談 而這也是 AUNTIE’S 下一個十年之旅的開始. -—— Production - Executive producers| AUNTIE’S. @aunties_barberngood OTI Operation Technology Inc. @otbarbersupply Producers| Willy Huang @willyhuang90 Director | 周哲民 Mickey Chou @directedbychou #AUNTIES #AuntiesBarberGood #OTI #OTbarbersupply #frankschopshop #morethanahaircut
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1 month ago
上週與 @newfutenma_barbershop 的交流非常開心,期待後續影片與各位分享喔! Video by : @mikeymusubi
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1 month ago
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2 months ago
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2 months ago
理髮師 @inch777_ 的絕佳服務體驗💇🏻
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2 months ago
Walk out the shop with confidence 😎
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3 months ago
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3 months ago
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3 months ago