Axier Villanueva.


229 11
4 days ago
The most famous problem in the history of mathematics is that of squaring the circle, 2022 Vinyl paint on loomstate linen Pintura vinílica sobre lino 78 3/4 x 90 1/2 x 2 3/8 in 200 x 230 x 6 cm Jose Davila
333 3
1 year ago
.. “My childhood memories that were at times happy and at times painful, are indeed linked to my apparent anxiety towards the reality of my life at present. On occasion I find myself overcome by a strong sense of nostalgia that strikes me like a blurry flash of light. It happens unknowingly the moment I wake up, and I try hard to piece together that sensation. I am constantly driven by my urge to gather together all the scattered fragments of memory and restoring them within painting. For me, painting is not a documentary based on fact, as I realize that my memory is vague and is not something that is perfect. Nonetheless, it is the accumulation of my past experience that shapes who I am today and paves the path for my future.” -Roby Dwi Antono Semi, Tities and Kila Spray paint on canvas @nanzukaunderground
266 4
1 year ago