Tilly Seargeant


🫀 Anatomy & Pathologies ‼️ Clinic Closed from August 2023 ‼️ 💙 TMJ & Jaw Pain 💙 Chronic pain Management 💙 Headaches & Migraines 💙 Scar Tissue
A selection of the lovely messages and comments I’ve received since I announced I was closing! Just 2 and a half weeks left it feels crazy everything has happened so quickly. And outing @_jayneday_ for calling me a dick when she’s literally the worst client ever! 😂 Kidding I love you 😘 And some super emotional music to get the tears flowing. You better be crying… I will force you to miss me 😂 Joking…mostly… #endofanera #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #closing #clinicalmassage #medwaytowns #smallbusiness #kentsmallbusiness #softtissuetherapy #emotional
37 13
10 months ago
TMJ Dysfunction! I have made a plan to develop a series of videos for TMJ dysfunction and rehab with self care that you can do at home. My aim is to be able to provide my TMJ clients with a source of information, advice and ongoing care now that I am closing. I’m hoping to have the videos up and running by September on a shiny new website I am starting which surprise surprise is called Azurite Rehab! I’m really excited about this new project where I can continue to provide information and advice to whoever may need it. I’m really excited about my new job but considering I’ve been working 60-70 hour weeks and I’ll be transitioning to 37.5 hour weeks, I think it’s safe to say I have some time on my hands to work on my little side project. My website will also have information about all other musculoskeletal conditions, rehab advice and plenty more! #rehab #tmjdysfunction #jawpain #pain #anatomy #pathology #website #tmj #sportsmassage #clinicalmassage #softtissuetherapy #remedialmassage #exercise #selfcare #newproject
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10 months ago
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11 months ago
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11 months ago
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11 months ago
I don’t know if it’s long enough to count as an era but it certainly feels like one. I don’t even know what words to use and it feels weird writing this post. So here goes… I have made the decision to close my clinic as I have been offered an exciting opportunity. I have been offered the chance to work in inpatient rehab. This is super exciting for me, as I can do what I love in a whole new environment. I will close the end of Friday 25th August. For anyone with an appointment after this date I will be in touch to see if you would like to bring it forward. The good news is I am keeping my clinic until the end of November (with my current plans) so I will be offering some appointments here and there for regulars. Dates will be posted as and when. I would like to thank all my wonderful clients for making my business what it is today. I have been so busy and it’s a true honour to be the person you trust with your physical and emotional well-being. I have been on some amazing journeys with you, and I hope you stay in touch because you are great people. My personal acc is @the_azurite_tilly for anyone wanting to stay in touch 💕 I really can’t put into words how much you have all impacted my life. The memories and experiences I will take with me are really second to none, and the past years have been nothing short of incredible. I feel so excited about the future but also sad to no longer see you guys on a daily basis. It’s the right move for my life, I am looking forward to getting my evenings and weekends back! You never know where life is going to go, but it is amazing. I will be referring my clients out to trusted practitioners and I will discuss this on an individual basis if this is something you want. Thank you all so much Lots of Love Tilly, Dr Derek Skeleton & Harvey the Head #smallbusiness #clinicalmassage #remedialmassage #softtissuetherapy #medwaytowns #chathamkent #endofanera #goodbye #memories #journey #womeninbusiness #sportsmassage #inpatients #nhs
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11 months ago
A bit of cupping to prove I do more than just acupuncture 😂 I love cupping it’s always something I use to ease off pain without it being too uncomfortable. It is one of the gentlest treatments, it doesn’t leave much soreness after and while some techniques can be a bit uncomfortable most are pretty much painless 😍😍 #cupping #drycupping #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #softtissuetherapy #clinicalmassage #exercise #backpain #pain #injury #pathology #anatomy #physiology #medwaytowns #medwaykent #chathamkent #stroodkent #rochesteruk #smallbusinessowner #womeninbusiness
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11 months ago
My lovely client let me share her X-rays of a clavicle (collarbone) fracture from March last year following a car accident. If you swipe across I have highlighted where the bones currently are (in case you aren’t sure what you’re looking at), and then another photo showing where the clavicle should be. The third photo just circles where the fracture itself is. Since X-rays do not show the soft tissue, I’ve included an image I found which shows how the lateral (outer) portion of the collarbone is likely still attached to the ligaments in the shoulder. This fracture is of the middle of the bone which is the most common fracture of the collarbone, however they can occur closer to the ends of the bone in some situations. Also just to highlight the kind of therapy I offer doesn’t put bones back together (in case anyone thought that kinda magic existed), this post is for anatomy and injury related information and education purposes. #collarbone #clavicle #claviclefracture #collarbonefracture #brokenbones #injury #pathology #xrays #anatomy #physiology #softtissuetherapy #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #medwaytowns #medwaykent #chathamkent #stroodkent #rochesteruk #clinicalmassage #health #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinessuk #womeninbusiness
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11 months ago
I’m back tomorrow! Feeling completely refreshed from my holiday and ready to get back to doing what I love 💕 I have appointments from the third week of July if you’re in need of a little TLC 🥰 #massagetherapy #massageclinic #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #clinicalmassage #softtissuetherapy #smallbusinessowner #smallbusiness #medwaytowns #medwaykent #stroodkent #rochesteruk #chathamkent #health #wellness #holiday #happy #goodtimes #treatyourself
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1 year ago
💙 Out Of Office 💙 Saturday 24th June - Sunday 2nd July Today is my last day before my holiday! Just a reminder that since I’m away I’ll be a bit slower replying to messages than usual. I will be replying daily so please be patient with me getting back to you. And remember you can book online following the link in my bio, which shows my full availability. I am fully booked until almost the 3rd week of July so it is quite busy at the moment. I will have an out of office auto reply on my Instagram so apologies if you reply to something unrelated you’ll get the annoying auto reply as i can’t control who it replies to. Still send messages tho 😍 #holiday #outofoffice #holidaytime #summerholiday #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #clinicalmassage #softtissuetherapy #medwaytowns #medwaykent #stroodkent #rochesteruk #treatyourself #relaxation #anatomy #physiology #pathology
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1 year ago
Another day another quiz question! What is the strongest muscle in the body relative to its weight/size? Comment your answers below! Looking forward to seeing what people come up with 😍 #muscles #quiz #anatomyquiz #anatomy #physiology #pathology #softtissuetherapy #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #clinicalmassage #softtissuetherapy #medwaytowns #medwaykent #womeninbusiness #smallbusinesskent #chathamkent #rochesteruk #stroodkent #massagetherapy
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1 year ago