Ashley Bailey Padelli


Jesus turned my shameful past into my testimony. My Testimony —> My Repentance.. My Repentance —> My Redemption.. My Redemption—> My Restoration!
Pause. Facts.
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22 days ago
Discount code: JESUSSAVES10 So this is a shirt I will probably end up getting two of! An oversized one to sleep in and smaller one to crop. Their gear is pretty awesome.. 😉.
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8 months ago
God’s children are in their refining season. -Prepare for Him to remove the wheat from the tears! As the world gets worse, remember God refines us because He loves us; and He knows it prepares us for what’s next.
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8 months ago discount code: JESUSSAVES10
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8 months ago
.. and I didn’t even know it was my dream until I truly became born again. Everything I’m involved in now, I never would’ve gone near a year ago. This summer transformed my life!
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8 months ago
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8 months ago
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8 months ago
I had no idea the plans Jesus had for me were going to happen so quickly and in such amazing ways once I truly surrendered my life to Him! October 2023 has been pretty epic, and I’m only 7 days in! 😊 —> The best part is y’all are about to get to reap the benefits with me! Keep an eye out over the next week or 2 for something coming your way! 🥰
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8 months ago
The woman in pic 1 was a woman of the world who had everything but felt lost and empty. She struggled with addiction even though she had a man who adored her, a loving family that sacrificed so much and a daughter who was the most beautiful miracle from God —> pic 2 is a woman who fell in love with Jesus and overflows with His joy. God brought some amazing opportunities to my doorstep! Stay tuned!
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8 months ago
I’ve been hoping to reach out about an amazing cause. My buddy in Florida has opened a new ministry that needs funding to get it off the ground… I was wondering if you all would be so kind as to help me, help him?! The verse of scripture I just posted above is exactly why we are both so passionate about ministries and things like this the ministry is: yhwhtampa and some of the people I have been able to help are wonderful people with wonderful souls. I was hoping that you could donate as well, and I would forward the money to him. My Venmo is listed at the top and all that money will be sent straight to the ministry I am working with. Every cent helps gets one more homeless person off the streets. God bless and thanks everybody!
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9 months ago
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9 months ago
My life has been FULL of Goliath’s.. so it’s probably safe to say Shepherd turned King David is in my blood coming through clutch every time. Jesus is so good.
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10 months ago